OUR TEAM TEAM EXTREME ►Bari Goldsmith (Captain) – Outreach Manager, Los Angeles ►Erica Williams – Program Director, Los Angeles ►Jennifer Kang – Development & Program Manager, Los Angeles ►Karen Borchgrevink – Recruitment Associate, Los Angeles ►Mini Datta – Program Manager, Chicago ►Sarah Swain – Program Fellow, Los Angeles ►Thomas Chang – Development Fellow, Los Angeles
What would make significantly more nonprofit employees take advantage of quality pro bono resources? ►Spreading the awareness that pro bono services are available across functional areas other than legal services is crucial to transforming the nonprofit relationship with pro bono. ►Pro bono resources are abundant and widespread, and can be successfully utilized by nonprofit organizations. ►There are many professionals who want to do pro bono work. ►Nonprofits need to reimagine the way they work with understanding of the benefits and potential of using pro bono support. ►Video promotions (see example) of pro bono work in action will help nonprofits visualize and understand what is involved in a pro bono project and how to utilize the support successfully. ►We can transform nonprofit organizational structure by educating nonprofits on the accessibility of quality pro bono resources and how pro bono can benefit their organization. With awareness, education, and the tools to engage pro bono, more nonprofit employees will take advantage of pro bono support.
What’s your high-level plan for successfully making this happen? EXTREME MAKEOVER: PRO BONO EDITION ►Create and promote a challenge in which nonprofits apply for a complete professional pro bono makeover provided by a team of pro bono professionals– individuals, corporations, organizations – with varied expertise. ►Incentives for nonprofit organizations to apply: ►LinkedIn will build out each applicant’s LinkedIn company page(pro bono). ► Nonprofits will be able to post pro bono positions* on their LinkedIn company page. ► *LinkedIn will create a space for pro bono positions to be listed on nonprofit’s company page. ►A seal on a nonprofit’s LinkedIn company page for nonprofits who have successfully used pro bono (created by LinkedIn). ►All applicants will have the chance to attend a webinar guiding nonprofits on how to engage pro bono resources on their own. ►The winner will have its makeover filmed and televised/broadcast nationally.
How can the success of this idea be measured? ► Track the following: ►Number of applications ►Number of videos showing pro bono in action submitted by nonprofits to the YouTube Nonprofit Channel (as a supplement to the application) ►Followers of Extreme Makeover: Pro Bono Edition on Twitter/Facebook/YouTube ►Number of pro bono postings on nonprofit LinkedIn company pages and LinkedIn ►Number of nonprofits who post the Pro Bono Seal on their LinkedIn company page ►Attendance on the webinar on how to engage pro bono resources independently (offered to all applicants, including declines) ►View count on the winner’s episode ►Changes in the winning nonprofit’s capacity before and after the makeover
How do you envision this idea getting to a very large scale when implemented? ►Reach out to foundations, corporations, capacity builders, and have them promote the Challenge to nonprofits. ►Social media campaign (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) and website can be used to market the Challenge nationwide. ►LinkedIn for Volunteers will be used to recruit pro bono resources for the challenge. ►The application process is easy and there are benefits for all nonprofits who participate. ►The challenge will be promoted by big name partners and the journey throughout the challenge will be broadcast over a high-traffic medium (ABC, webisodes, etc.) ►The Extreme Makeover brand is recognized nationally. ►Potential partnerships: ►This platform is easy to scale on multiple levels – local, national, global.