EUROSPORT Since 1976 After 2000 Every two year fixed event Year Place Overall Winner 1976 Karlsruhe Varese 1977 Varese Varese 1979 Luxembourg Varese 1981 MOL MOL 1983 Brussels 1 Varese 1985 Bergen Varese 1987 Brussels 2 Varese 1989 Munich Varese 1991 CULHAM Varese 1993 Karlsruhe Karlsruhe 1995 VARESE Brussels LUXEMBOURG Varese 1999 MOL Luxembourg Year Place Overall Winner 2001 Brussels 3 Varese 2003 Bergen Varese 2005 Munich 2007 Brussel Karlsruhe Brussels Frankfurt Brussels Alicante Alicante 2015 Luxembourg Brussels Varese 2021 MOL 2023 Luxembourg Brussels 4
EUROSPORT A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GAMES The first formal competition took place in 1976 and was the result of a joint initiative by T. van der Zee (then deputy director of Karlsruhe) and John Forster (from Brussels1 who invited Varese to Germany for a 3-day multi-sport competition. Thanks to the success of the event and the enthusiasm generated, ideas became recommendations, which in turn became decisions, and in 1979 Varese offered to host what has since become a competition held every 2 years between all the European Schools. The name “Eurosport” was given to the competition in 1979 and has remained with it ever since. ( source:
EUROSPORT A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GAMES Each school in turn has invited students from other schools to join them for a mixture of team and individual events in the senior age categories. Luxembourg, MOL, Brussels 1, Bergen, Brussels 2, Munich and Culham each hosted the competition once before it returned to Karlsruhe a second time. At its meeting in May 2001 in Alicante, the Board of Governors of the European Schools decided to formally recognize Eurosport and to propose every second year a budget line covering part of the expenses of all future events. Making Eurosport an integrated part of European Schools’ activities may be regarded as an important step for social and sporting interaction among the schools.
EUROSPORT History of the Trophy The famous “Eurosport trophy” that the winning school keeps for two years was introduced in Culham in 1991 when Culham hosted Eurosport.