TEEB Training Bibliography ©TEEB
TEEB Training Bibliography CBD, 2011/12. Sub-regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures. Last accessed November CBD Online Training, 2012/13. Valuation and mainstreaming. Forthcoming European Environment Agency, The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Last accessed November Last accessed November 2012 GIZ, Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning; A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach. GIZ, Germany Kumar, P. (ed), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Ecological and Economic Foundations. Earthscan, London Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Last accessed November Ramsar, Wetland Loss. Ten Brink, P. (ed), The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity in national and International Policy making. Earthscan, London United Nations Forest and Agriculture Organisation, 2001.Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000; United Nations Forest and Agriculture Organisation, WBCSD, Biodiversity and Ecosystems training. Last Accessed November 2012http:// Wilkinson C., 2004: Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2004 report Wittmer, H. and Gundimeda, H. (eds), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In Local and Regional Policy and Management Earthscan, London WRI, Ecosystems and Human Well-being; A framework for Assessment. Island Press, Washington Yale University, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Last accessed November 2012http://environment.yale.edu/TEEB ©TEEB
TEEB Training Audio Visual Material Institute of Environment, Minnesota, 2010: "Big Question: What Is Nature Worth?" YouTube. YouTube, 22 Nov Web. 1 Nov Interview with Dr. Gretchen D. Daily." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Mar Web. 2 Nov Institute of Environment, Minnesota, 2010: "Big Question: Is Earth past the Tipping Point?" YouTube. YouTube, 15 Mar Web. 10 Oct TEEB4me. "Your Invoice - TEEB Mofilm 3rd Prize." YouTube. YouTube, 16 Mar Web. 2 Nov TEEB4me. "Little Things - Mofilm Winner 1st Prize." YouTube. YouTube, 07 Feb Web. 3 Nov Bibliography continued.. ©TEEB