Photos by Bruce DeGraw, Mary Kennedy, and Beverly Plummer
2013 Executive Committee Meeting
Bay Point Yacht Club’s first Sundowner Ceremony, 2/15/13
Registration Saturday morning, 2/16/13
BPYC P/C Jack Kennedy and his wife, Mary, hosting breakfast for the yacht club & FCA attendees.
BPYC Vice Commodore, Charlie Ralls, accepts the FCA plaque for BPYC hosting the winter meeting..
Old Navy Yacht club’s P/C, Nancy Champagne, winner of the 4 STAR Award for 2012.
Jeanne Williams, the Clean Marina Coordinator with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Northwest District Office, presents the Clean Marina, Clean Vessel Act, and the Green Lodging Programs.
BPYC P/C & FCA President Jim Watts and his wife, Joyce, hosts FCA Commodore Larry Kimmerling and his wife, Barbara, at the Saturday night FCA dinner at Kingfish Restaurant.
Joyce Watts presents raffle winner, Lynne Oakley, with the Margarita party bag.
Acknowledgements Many thanks to the following for making BPYC’s hosting of the FCA Winter Membership meeting a success: Jim & Joyce Watts, Jack & Mary Kennedy, Darrell & Carol Proctor, Charlie & Susie Ralls, Dennis & Susan Eberhardt, Jack & Janice Sturm, Joyce Muller, Kent & Val Forrester, Ray & Gailyn Young, Bob & Jimmie Miller, Bill Amis & Joan Reiff Special thanks to Chef John of 30° Blue for the Saturday luncheon buffet.