Book swap 2012 By: Katie Meyer & Lilly Ocampo Come to the book swap!!
April 10 th :The first day of book swap!! On the first day of book swap we had about 50 people!! Room# 138 had the most books brought in. They brought in 23 books. There was 37 books turned in for swap!!!! We felt proud! Day 1
The Second Day For Book Swap!!!!! We had 2 people come in. This was so sad, but there was a field trip so it was ok. Day 2
April 24 th 2012, the 3 rd day for book swap!!! We had a lot of people come in. The winner was room # 134 and room # 138! Awesome!!! Day 3
May 1 st 2012, the 4th day for book swap!!!! We had a lot of people come in. The total was 88 books turned in. The winner was room number # 138 with a total of 23 books. Day 4
The winner of Book swap! Was room number 134 with a total of 114 books. Nice job Room # 134!!!!! The Winner
May 8 th books were turned into book swap! Nice!
The total of books brought in 4 weeks! 310 books were brought in the 4 weeks we had. 75 books the first week, 63 the second week and 88 the third week. Plus 84 books were turned in the 4 th week! Thanks to everyone that turned in books. Especially Room # 134 and 138!!! Total
Credits Thanks to Miss Salvatini for helping with book swap and thanks to our teachers for letting us work the first book swap. Thanks to all the teachers that let there students go down to book swap. Plus thanks to Victor Gomez for translating our words into Spanish.
Thanks Thanks for watching this presentation!!!!!