F REEMAN E LEMENTARY L IBRARY E ND OF Y EAR R EPORT Librarian: Judy Gayle Aide: Patti Murphy
F ACTS AND F IGURES Patrons: 377 Holdings: 15,308 selections Circulations : 58,032 Average of 154 books per student Number of books purchased: 845 Number of classes served each week: 20
B UDGET Amount Spent on Books: $ Amount Spent on Magazines : $ Amount Spent on Supplies: $ Amount Spent on Title One : $
S CHOLASTIC B OOK F AIR F EBRUARY 26- M ARCH 1 Gross Sales: $ 5, Campus Profits: $ in books for library $ for library activity fund
R EADING I NCENTIVE P ROGRAMS Six Flags Read to Succeed Pizza Hut Book It
A CCELERATED R EADER 65,747,551 Words Read 14 Millionaires Students and classes were recognized for making their goals and reading the most words each six weeks.
T EXAS B LUEBONNET A WARD In January 111 third, fourth, and fifth grade students voted on their favorite ‘12-13’ Bluebonnet title. Students had to have read at least ¼ of the nominated books to be qualified to vote. Freeman’s 1 st choice winner was also the state winner!