P roblem S olving I nnovator Solving Tomorrows Problems Today 1 st Why / Function Pareto Chart 1 st Why / Function Pareto Chart Overview of Percentage of Effect Functions & Requirements Overview of Percentage of Effect Functions & Requirements 2 nd why/ Requirements Prioritization
An Alpha ‘Key’ identifies what each Alphabetical Letter stands for in the Pareto Chart The Visual Pareto Chart reflects the results of the Paired Comparison Analysis of the 1 st Why / Function The Pareto Principle assumes the Data will indicate a 80/20 Ratio,. If this is NOT indicated it is possible the Team does not have a clear understanding of the Process 1 st Why / Function Pareto Chart
Pareto Data is available based on the Voting Technique used to Prioritise the 2 nd Why / Requirements of each 1 st Why / Function If there is no clear “winner” then it is possible the Team does not understand the Process sufficiently As with the Pareto Analysis of the 1 st Why / Function 2 nd why/ Requirements Prioritization
P roblem S olving I nnovator Solving Tomorrows Problems Today This completes the Pareto Chart Alternative Analysis tools can be used