Guitar Class Practice Logs Independent Practice Goals and Grading
Here is a link to the “Practice Powerpoint” you helped create during class: e/d/0B6PcoCFTa0xuWDdkbnRWb2kxRzg/edit...thanks for contributing!
Efficient Practice Review: Congratulations!.. as part of this Ensemble you have: ●New Music to perform for our Spring Concerts! ●A special part to play in the ensemble ●Agreed on a minimum # of practice days required (3/wk) ●And shared your ideas on HOW to practice efficiently
Practice Log Format Day of week: Music Title Measure # or Book page Practice Technique How you chose to practice... Improved? No? Yes? EXPLAIN: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday NAME __________________ class/block : ___ Assigned week : ____________ Guitar Practice Log : Fill in top of this page, take this form home, decide on a practice technique and record information each day you practice. Return paper to class with parent signature for full credit on assigned Due Date________. _____________________________________
POINT Values for Practice Log: Each BOX is worth 5 points: 20 per day,60 total Each NAME/signature = 10 points, 20 total DUE date/ on time return = 20 points total possible = 100 points for each day late….
“Letter” grade requirements: GRADE: ___100 : Three Days (or more) practice: Completed Form (80+ points) /returned on time (+20) ___ 90 : Three Days practice : Form complete (80+ points) but a day LATE (+10) ___ 80: Two Days of practice: Form complete & on time (40 points for boxes+20 signatures+20) ___ 70: Two Days of practice / LATE Three Days of Practice / LATE 2 + days ___ 60: Incomplete form / Did not practice
Remember… to earn FULL credit: 1.Write your Name and Class on your practice log 2.Write in the MUSIC measures you plan to practice 3.Practice at least THREE DAYS to improve your skills 4.Under “Technique”: HOW do you practice? 5.Add the ‘parent signature’ and return on the DUE DATE!
Rate the sample responses…. 1.You will receive copies of 12 actual student practice logs for reference. 1.On your ELECTRONIC DEVICE enter this link
ACTUAL Student Logs - QUIZ “Grade” each log entry for content, accuracy, practice method and practice result - on your device! (Remember… each box is worth 5 points:) Check each student’s practice “day” for accuracy AND DETAIL……... Music Title Book/Page Technique Improvement? Explain
Title Measure Technique Improved? Explain!
Get ready to play your BEST! Pick up a Practice Log each week Set a goal: copy upcoming Playing Tests on to your Form Refer to the “Practice Techniques” on back of your practice sheet for new ways to practice and keep it interesting!
Practice Techniques What works for you? Mix it up! SHARE with other musicians…. Create your own! Techniques listed below were developed by LCHS Classroom Teachers:
PRACTICE TECHNIQUES on the back of your Log: Guitar Practice Techniques Shared by LCPS Teachers Left Hand: Say/Sing it, Fingerings, Play it! - Mental practice is just as important as physical practice. Say or sing the note names. Add the fingerings as you are saying the notes. Be sure your fingers are curved, your wrist is straight, and your thumb is making a thumbprint on the back. Once you are consistent and do not have to pause, add the right hand. Right Hand: String changing - Play through the passage working on string changes. Be sure your right hand is just behind the soundhole, your forearm is over the lower bout, and you have a straight line from your hand to your elbow. Once you can change to the correct string alternating i-m and without mistakes, add in the left hand.
Practice Techniques (continued) Rhythm/Tempo: Clap and Count - Clap your rhythm as you count each measure. Make sure you know your time signature. Metronome - Use a metronome, or to keep you on track. General: Isolate Everything - Identify where you are having problems. Isolate that spot and apply the practice techniques above. Once you are successful 9/10 times, you should add the measures preceding and following the passage to put it in context. Simplify - Splitting up your right and left hands is simplifying. Add a Note - Play through the first 3 notes until you are right 9/10 times, then add the 4th note and repeat, add the 5th note and repeat, etc. Rhythms - For repeated passages of the same note value, use different rhythms to practice speed and proficiency of note reading. Find a Friend or Family Member - Ask someone to watch you play. Tell them what they are looking for specifically (curved fingers, relaxed shoulders, alternating i-m, etc) and they can report back to you. Happy Practicing!