Have your guitars and a music stand Tune Your Guitars Make sure you have a pencil and other materials
First -Year
I understand classroom rules and procedures I understand the philosophy of this guitar class
Confirm: Class roll Distribute: Textbooks Review: Classroom procedures & rules Read: “To the student”, p. 1
Establish: correct body position for playing (pp.2-3) Learn: Parts of the guitar (p. 4) Letter names of the six strings (p. 5) Left hand fingers (p. 6) Chord diagram (p. 6) I Can...
Play: D chord Check body and hand positions again. Learn: guide, common and relative fingers and unit terms (p. 7) Play: A7 chord (p. 8) Drill: D to A7
Keep your eyes on the left hand. Watch the right hand strumming position Learn: “Reading the Rhythm Guitar Part in Music” (p.9) Play: D to A7 Play: songs using only D to A7 (p. 10)
To avoid finger blisters, it is very important to alternate periods of playing with non-playing during the first few days of guitar class. If your left hand begins to hurt, you should PLACE THE LEFT HAND CHORD WITHOUT PRESSING DOWN ON THE STRINGS (this is called blocking). This gives effective practice on the chord shape and saves fingers.
GUTS RECITAL to be held on Wednesday. GRADING CRITERIA: If you have the guts to play, the grade is a 3; no guts, the grade is 1. You may choose any song using only D and A7. Accuracy should be attempted but is not required.
Drill: D to A7 Learn: G chord Drill: G to A7 D to G D to G to A7 Review: D to A7 songs on p. 10 INDIVIDUAL “GUTS” RECITAL PRACTICE
1.)Root-Strum patterns (pp ) on all drills and recitals 2.)New progressions 3.)Master Chord Chart (p. 97) 4.)Supplementary Progressions (p. 96)
Rules: 1.)play only on YOUR turn 2.)maintain silence during each song 3.)respect each other 4.)start over if you need to 5.)respond to performance with enthusiastic applause only
Written Formative Assessment #1 will take place on MONDAY
Drill: D to A7 D to G G to A7 D to G to A7 Learn: Root-Strum Pattern (pp ) Play: songs using D, G and A7 (pp )
Review: materials for Written Formative Assessment #1 Drill: D Progression
Learn: moving from chord to chord without looking at left hand Procedure: 1.)Place a D chord with the left hand 2.)Look away from the guitar 3.)Move to A7 without looking 4.)CHECK LEFT HAND; ADJUST IF NEEDED 5.)Look away again and move back to D 6.)CHECK AND ADJUST Follow the same procedure as you move through the other progressions in this unit. DO NOT INVOLVE THE RIGHT HAND IN ANY WAY.
Learn: the A progression (p. 12)
Drill: D Progression A Progression Play: A songs (p. 100)
Skill Proficiency #1 will take place TOMORROW. Body/hand positions when playing D progression
Put all materials away except your pencil or pen When assessment is given, make sure to complete all items DO NOT TALK during the assessment until everyone is finished
Drill: D and A progressions Play: D and A songs Learn: G progression (p. 13)
Using the rubric, perform individually
Drill: all progressions, with emphasis on playing without looking at the left hand. Play: songs in G (p. 101) PROFICIENCY #1 (DEADLINE)
Learn: Tuning (p. 5) Procedure: 1.) Make sure all “E” strings are correctly tuned 2.) “tuning the guitar to itself” 3.) Terms: “higher” and “lower,” mechanism for raising and lowering string pitch and the pitch-matching process Drill: Chord Progressions
1.)As soon as you enter the room, bring your guitar to Mr. Rawlings for “detuning.” 2.)Each student will go to predetermined ISOLATED area to practice tuning. 3.)Mr. Rawlings will go from student to student in order to assist. 4.)Use the CORRECT PROCEDURE. *Skill in actually tuning the instrument is acquired gradually.
Drill: all progressions Learn: the E progression (p. 14) Play: songs in A (p. 100) and E (p. 102)
Playing Formative Assessment – Proficiency #2– next four days Requirement: I-IV-V7 in keys of D, A and G 1.)body and hand position 2.)progressions – even strumming, correct left-hand position SOUND QUALITY IS NOT GRADED YET.
Written Formative Assessment #2 In 5 days
Drill: All Progressions Proficiency 2
Drill: only E progressions Learn: Em and Am progressions, pp (practice these after finishing proficiency) PROFICIENCY 2 - CONTINUES
RECITAL #2 Requirement: any 3-chord song in A, E or G Body and hand position Correct number of strums Smooth chord changes Correct left hand chord positions
Drill: chord progressions Decide: recital song choice of each student PROFICIENCY 2 - CONTINUES
Drill: all chord progressions Introduction to: notes of the first position scale (p. 22) PROFICIENCY 2 DEADLINE
Individual recital practice Written Formative ASSESSMENT #2
Recital #2 – YEAH! Let’s rock!
Learn: the blues (pp ) Do 12-bar pattern with straight strums/triplet strums Other techniques as time allows
Drill: all progressions and first position scale Play: songs in Em and Am
In random order Procedure Play each chord 4 times AS ONE CHORD IS BEING STRUMMED, the teacher calls out the next chord to be played Students should strive for the ability to change from one chord to another without hesitation. The left hand moves should become almost involuntary.
Drill: all progressions and first position scale Play: the students’ favorite songs Drill: chords in random order
Playing Formative Proficiency #3 – next day Requirements: I – IV – V7 in E, Em and Am
Learn: the C progression (p. 17) Drill: all progressions, chords in random order Play: songs in Em and Am PROFICIENCY 3
RECITAL #3 Requirements: song with 4 chords, any key except D Body and hand position Correct left hand chord Correct strums Smooth changes TONE QUALITY
Proficiency #3 – continues! YAY!!!!!
Summative Assessment – in four days Playing Formative Assessment – Proficiency #4 (beginning tomorrow) Requirements: all unit chords in random order
Drill: first position scale Proficiency #4
Drill: first position scale Proficiency #4 - Deadline
After everyone finishes assessment – Drill first position scale
Recital #3 – YAY!!!! YAY!!!!! YAY!!!! End of UNIT 1