Building HTML and JavaScript Apps with KnockoutJS and MVVM DEV361
UI Patterns Data & Bindings Data & Bindings Separation of Concerns Separation of Concerns Structured JavaScript Structured JavaScript
6+ 2+ Separates behavior and structure Declarative bindings Observables
Knockout in 3 Steps Declarative Binding var myViewModel = { firstName: ko.observable("John") }; ko.applyBindings(myViewModel); Create an Observable Bind the ViewModel to the View
Manual Push via jQuery Guitar model: Sales price: var product = { id: 1001, model: "Taylor 314ce", salePrice: }; $("#guitarModel").val(product.model); $("#guitarSalesPrice").val(product.salePrice); Source object Push from Source to Target
demo With and Without Knockout
Taylor 110 Taylor 914ce Taylor 110
2 Way Binding Guitar model: Sales price: Declarative Binding product: { id: 1001, model: ko.observable("Taylor 314ce"), salePrice: ko.observable( ) } ko.applyBindings(data); Source object Bind Source to Target, & Vice Versa
demo Observables
Defining a Computed vm = { id: ko.observable(1), salePrice: ko.observable(4199), qty: ko.observable(2) }; vm.extendedPrice = ko.computed(function () { return this.product() ? this.salePrice() * parseInt("0" + this.qty(), 10) : 0; }, vm); observables owner
demo Computed
Working with observableArray var myViewModel = { salesPerson: ko.observable("John"), empNum: ko.observable(39811), products: ko.observableArray([ { model: "Taylor 314CE", price: 1749, id=321 }, { model: "Martin D40", price: 1899, id=479 } ]) }; Pre-populating Operating on observableArray
demo ObservableArray
Built In Bindings <input type="text" data-bind="enable: allowEditing, value:salePrice" /> <select data-bind="options: colors, value: selectedColor, optionsText: 'name', optionsValue: 'key'" > Built into Knockout Binding for element attributes Multiple binding expressions
attrcheckedclickcssdisableenableevent hasfocus htmloptions optionsTextoptionsValue selectedOptionsstylesubmittextuniqueNamevalue visible text value click disable enable attr Display and state bindings Text and value bindings Bindings for specific attributes visible event Event bindings
demo Built In Bindings
If truthy condition if If falsy condition ifnot Execute for each item in a list foreach Shortcut to execute for the object with
Control of Flow with a Template Pass the context for the template with “foreach”...
Conditionals 0"> Total value: Any “truthy” expression
Changing Context
demo Control of Flow and Templates
All Part of the Native Template Engine in Knockout All Part of the Native Template Engine in Knockout
demo Templates
With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray Built In Bindings Templates Custom Binding Handlers
Creating a Binding Handler ko.bindingHandlers.fadeVisible = { init: function(element, valueAccessor) { //... }, update: function(element, valueAccessor) { //... } Runs first time the binding is evaluated Runs after init and every time one of its observables changes
Common Parameters ko.bindingHandlers.fadeVisible = { init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) { var shouldDisplay = valueAccessor(); $(element).toggle(shouldDisplay); }, update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) { var shouldDisplay = valueAccessor(); shouldDisplay ? $(element).fadeIn() : $(element).fadeOut(); } Bound DOM element What is passed to the binding All other bindings on same element The viewmodel
demo Custom Binding Handlers
JavaScript: The Developer Experience (DEV308) Find Me Later JavaScript: The Language (DEV307)
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