Hawai‘i PEEC Project ‘IKE Indigenous Knowledge in Engineering ‘ike is the Hawaiian word for ‘knowledge’ Joshua Kaakua Louise Pagotto, Peter Crouch, and Hervé Collin
Hawai‘i PEEC Project Outline of the Presentation Summary of Project Goals Activities Successes Challenges
Geographical Location
Campus Profiles ManoaMauiKCCWCCHCCLCC Programs Offered enrollment (Undergraduate) 20,4294,5279,0232,7054,6007,895 Student:Faculty Ratio 16:117:116:122:116:121:1 Men 45.4%38.5%48.8%40.3%63.9%43.9% Women 54.6%61.5%51.2%59.7%36.1%56.1% Native Hawaiian 14.4%34.4%18.9%41.9%26.9%
Overview Strengthen the Pre-Engineering Core Curriculum among PEEC campuses (including an online components) Prepare and support Native Hawaiian students to Engineering through Mentoring and Undergraduate Research Experiences. Engage Native Hawaiian students in Sustainable Energy Engineering issues, to industries and community partners.
Activities: Pre-Engineering Core Identified and Articulated a Common Pre-Engineering Curriculum 11 courses & 1 laboratory Online Development: 75% Remainings: Chemistry Lab, Calculus III, and Applied Statics Pre-Engineering Core Chemistry Mathematics Physics Applied Mechanics Programming Basic Circuit Analysis Community Colleges ASNS College of Engineering
Activities: Recruitment ‘IKE recruitment High school Connections (Counselors, teachers, partner campuses) High School Interactions (Class presentation & Brochure) Community Connections (family members, friends, etc..)
Activities: Recruitment Capacity-Building KCC generates Brochures and web recruitment materials for all SEEs LeeCC WinCC HonCC UH Maui College UH Mānoa Foster relationships with campus Native Hawaiian student services, Upward Bound, METS, Na Pua Noeau Promote `IKE and partner CCs at community meetings and through local Native Hawaiian organizations.
Activities: Retention Peer Mentoring AY AY # Students NH1215 Other Underrepresented53 Other67 # Cohort Students 17 Peer Mentoring Efforts MathematicsPhysicsChemistry Undergraduate Research
Activities: Retention Peer Mentoring through PLUS (Peer Led Unit Session) AY AY (only Fall 2011)Total Number of Courses7512 Number of students impacted PLUS Efforts PhysicsChemistry(Mathematics)
Activities: Retention Undergraduate Research Experience Aerospace (USLI, Cansat) Robotics Asymmetric Capacitors Pupillometry Utility Terrain Vehicle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Wind and solar Power Tower
Activities: SEEs Summer Engineering Experience SEE1 KCC / Guitar Building SEE2 MAUI / robotics SEE3 MANOA / REIS
Activities: Cultural Experiences Cultural Experiences And Engineering
Successes: PLUS
Successes: HMEM Overall Success Rate (SEE1 + SEE2 + SEE3) Emporium Success Rate (SEE1 + SEE2) Traditional Math Course Success Rate (SEE3) Summer %89%80%
Successes: URE SAADASDA Enhanced learning experience as a STEM major65%35%0% Positively affected decision to continue to 4-year institution71%23%6%0% Increase involved in engineering programs/activities71%29%0% Travel to conference enhanced research experience56%44%0% Recommend to other students82%18%0% VSSDVD Overall satisfaction76%24%0% Undergraduate Research Dissemination USLICansatNCURERNAISES SA=Strongly Agree, A=Agree, DA=Disagree, SDA=Strongly Disagree VS=Very Satisfied S=Satisfied D=Dissatisfied VD=Very Dissatisfied
Successes: ASNS College of Engineering KCCLCCMAUIWCCLCC ASNS Pre-Engineering ASNS Expansion to most PEEC Institutions Articulation with: University of Hawai ‘ i at Mānoa College of Engineering
APT at each Campus: Assessment specialist Recruitment Specialist Retention Specialist Curriculum specialist Summer Bridge coordinators Successes: APTs
Challenges: Cohort / Math Retention Mentors Social Networking Cohort Mentors PLUS Social Networking “Scaling up” Emporium Model Math Retention
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