Overview of MWRD’s Initial Stormwater Management Authority Statutory background Cook County Stormwater Management Plan Current District stormwater management initiatives Detailed Watershed Plans (DWPs)
Statutory background Public Act (Act) Granted authority to the District to assume responsibilities of stormwater management for Cook County and provided a funding mechanism Requires the District to prepare and adopt by ordinance a countywide stormwater management plan The countywide plan may incorporate six or more separate watershed plans Names six major watersheds in Cook County for which detailed watershed plans shall be developed Created Watershed Planning Councils to act as advisory bodies to the MWRD Requires benefit cost analysis in evaluating project prioritizations between watersheds The District may prescribe by ordinance reasonable rules and regulations for floodplain and stormwater management
Cook County Stormwater Management Plan (CCSMP) The District may plan, implement, finance and operate regional stormwater management projects in accordance with the adopted stormwater management plan CCSMP was developed in 2006 and adopted by the Board of Commissioners in February 2007 CCSMP is a high level, organizational plan establishing an overall framework for the program.
Detailed Watershed Plans (DWP) One DWP for each of the 6 major watersheds Purpose: –Identify stormwater related problems in a watershed –Develop alternative solutions to address regional flooding and erosion problems –Evaluate the alternatives to determine those that are most effective in addressing the watershed’s needs –The completed DWPs contain a summary of the watershed’s areas of concern, and a listing of recommended regional capital improvement projects
Recommended DWP Projects 15 Flood Control Projects to address overbank flooding 16 Streambank Stabilization Projects to address critical erosion Addison Creek Albany Park
Flood Control Projects Addison Creek Reservoir Albany Park Tunnel 960 Acre-Foot Reservoir 18-foot Diameter Tunnel
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Upper Des Plaines and Tributaries Phase II Study Recommended projects in Cook County include: UDPR&T Phase II Flood Risk Management Projects LocationTotal Estimated Project Cost Fullerton-Grand LeveeRiver Grove$8,702,000 Belmont-Irving Park LeveeFranklin Park, Schiller Park$7,864,000 Ashland-Fargo LeveeDes Plaines$17,509,000 Fullerton Woods Compensatory Storage Reservoir River Grove$6,901,700 Harry Semrow Driving Range Compensatory Storage Reservoir Des Plaines$10,236,200
Legislative Amendment to MWRD’s Stormwater Management Authority Illinois State Senator Daniel Biss 9 th Legislative District Sponsor of Phase II Legislation Public Act enacted into Law on June 18, 2014 Allows the District to move forward on new initiatives under its Phase II program including partnering with local communities and agencies to address local drainage problems, and setting up a program for purchasing flood prone and flood damaged property on a voluntary basis.
Phase II Program Projects Partnerships: MWRD will partner with local communities and agencies to assist with projects to address flooding Voluntary Acquisition Program: MWRD to develop program to purchase flood-prone and flood-damaged property on a voluntary basis
Cook County Stormwater Management Plan (CCSMP) Amended July 10, 2014 to reflect new statutory authority.
35 projects approved for MWRD assistance: Shovel-ready and Conceptual projects Distributed throughout Cook County Types of Projects include: Green infrastructure Localized detention Upsizing critical storm sewers/culverts Pump stations Establishing drainage ways
Phase I Projects in 9 th Senate District F - Middle Fork and West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River Streambank Stabilization Projects in Northfield/Northbrook C - Flood Control Project on the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River in Glenview (a/k/a "Tall Trees")
Phase II Projects in 9 th Senate District Glenview 1 - East of Harms Road Regional Stormwater Project IDOT 17 - Central Road from IL 21 to Dearlove Winnetka 4 - New Storm Sewers and Berms in Northwest Winnetka Green Infrastructure Evanston 1 - Reconstruction of Evanston Civic Center Park Lot with Green Infrastructure Kenilworth 2 - Reconstruction of Cumberland Ave., Rosylyn Rd., and Melrose Ave. with Green Infrastructure Stormwater Master Plan Pilot Study: Northbrook and nearby unincorporated Cook Co.
Phase II Voluntary Acquisitions Current Activities: Flood-prone property purchase program policy under development MWRD Board Study session held on July 10 th to discuss program guidelines Future Activities: Policy to be developed and submitted to the Board by August 7, 2014 Incorporate Board and public feedback Implement program Review program annually MWRD currently investigating potential buyout areas in Glenview and throughout Cook County
Questions? David St. Pierre