Gregor Mendel Gaiser Life Science
Know Answer one of the following: Evidence Page 34 Mendel’s Work What physical traits do you have that are most like your mom? What physical traits do you have that are most like your dad? Do parent traits always look exactly the same in the offspring? Explain your answer
Clarifying ?s Information Page 35 purebred - Gregor Mendel is that “Father of Genetics.” - Gregor Mendel is that “Father of Genetics.” Who is Mendel? Mendel’s Work - plant/animal that always produces offspring w/same trait as parent - plant/animal that always produces offspring w/same trait as parent - trait that always shows up in offspring when present in one parent. - trait that always shows up in offspring when present in one parent. - trait that is always covered if a dominant allele is present - trait that is always covered if a dominant allele is present Example: Purebred short plants always produce short plants (tt) Example: 2 tall plants = tall offspring because tall is dominant discoveries dominant alleles Recessive alleles Example: 1 tall plant + 1 short plant = tall plant because tall is dominant
Clarifying ?s Information Page 36 Mendel’s Work Summary: - different forms of a gene - factors that control traits - offspring with 2 different alleles for a trait controls inheretance symbols alleles gene hybrid Dominant alleles use capital letters. Example: TT or Tt Recessive alleles use lower case letters. Example: Tt or tt What letters are used? depends on the trait Example: T = height, B = black traits - physical characteristics heredity - passing traits from parents to offspring
Page 35 Clarifying ?s Information Mendel’s Work purebred - Gregor Mendel is that “Father of Genetics.” - Gregor Mendel is that “Father of Genetics.” Who is Mendel? - plant/animal that always produces offspring w/same trait as parent - plant/animal that always produces offspring w/same trait as parent - trait that always shows up in offspring when present in one parent. - trait that always shows up in offspring when present in one parent. - trait that is always covered if a dominant allele is present - trait that is always covered if a dominant allele is present Example: Purebred short plants always produce short plants (tt) Example: 2 tall plants = tall offspring because tall is dominant discoveries dominant alleles Recessive alleles Example: 1 tall plant + 1 short plant = tall plant because tall is dominant
Page 36 Clarifying ?s Information Mendel’s Work Summary: - different forms of a gene - factors that control traits - offspring with 2 different alleles for a trait symbols alleles gene hybrid Dominant alleles use capital letters. Example: TT or Tt Recessive alleles use lower case letters. Example: Tt or tt What letters are used? depends on the trait Example: T = height, B = black traits - physical characteristics heredity - passing traits from parents to offspring
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