Balsam Fir Abies balsamea By: Seth Miles
Balsam Fir 14-20 Meters tall, rarely 27 meters tall. The bark is smooth, gray, and resin blisters becoming rough and scaly on old trees.
Balsam Fir North American Fir. Native to most of eastern and central Canada. Also native to the northeastern United States.
Balsam Fir Leaf Flat needle like 1.5-3 cm long Dark green often with a patch of stomata near the tip. Two white stomatal bands below. Slightly notched tips. Arranged 180 degrees around the stem.
Balsam Fir Cone 4-8 inches long. Dark purple, ripening brown. Disintegrating to release the winged seeds in September.
Balsam Fir Uses The bubbles of Balsam Fir bark are used to produce Canada balsam. It was used to mount microscope slides. The wood is used for paper manufacturing. It’s also a popular Christmas tree.