الصلاة عليك يا زين العمامة Praise be upon you O’ Charming one.


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Presentation transcript:

الصلاة عليك يا زين العمامة Praise be upon you O’ Charming one

صلوا على خيرِ الأنام كل من صلى عليه منا لا يُضام كل من صلى عليه مرة صلى الله بـها عليه عشرة

Praise the best of people whoever praises him, of us, shall not be demoralized. Whoever praises our prophet once, Allah would reward him ten times. So praise the best of people

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

صاحبَ الفتوح … يا زين العمامة وحبيب الروح لك الإمامة You are the man of victories O’ charming one & love to souls To you belongs the Leadership

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

صاحب الـمقام … يا زين العمامة جئت بالإسلام ففيه السلامة You are a man of high Status O’ Charming One, You revived Islam, in which there is safety

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

سيد الأمة.. كاشف الغمة.. يا زين العمامة انك الـمصطفى من اهوى كلامه The master of the nation, remover of the glooms, You are the chosen one whose words I love

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

يا رسول الله يا حبيب الله روحى فداك كلى فداك ولدى فداك اهلى فداك نفسى فداك يا رسول الله O’ messenger of Allah, O’ most beloved by Allah, I would sacrifice my soul, body, family & self for you

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

الحمد لله والشكر لله ما خاب مؤمن قاصد عفو الله All praise & thanks are due to Allah No believer shall be disappointed if he seeks the forgiveness of Allah

الحمد لله والشكر لله والخير من الله والفضل من الله ما خاب مؤمن قد دعا مولاه All praise & thanks are due to Allah The Goodness & bounties are from Allah No believer shall be disappointed if supplicates to Allah

اننى هائم بالـهادى الـخاتم فهو رسول الله وهو حبيب الله والله العالم كم انا بـهواه I am in deep love with the last Prophet He’s the messenger & the most loved by Allah & Allah knows how much I love him

الصلاة عليك.. يا زين العمامة يا رسول الله اشفع فى القيامة Praise be on you O’ Charming one O’ messenger of Allah, intercede for us on Judgment Day

الحمد لله والشكر لله ما خاب مؤمن قاصد عفو الله All praise & thanks are due to Allah No believer shall be disappointed if he seeks the forgiveness of Allah

اللهم صلّ على الـمصطفى حبيبنا مـحمد عليه السلام O’ Allah raise the rank of the Prophet, Our beloved Muhammad peace be upon him

Description of the best of all creations Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not extremely tall, nor was he short. He had a white complexion and black hair. The Prophet’s hair was not straight rather it was curly and long down to his shoulders. His aroma was nicer than pure musk itself. He had a clear forehead, long eyelashes, broad shoulders and a firm stomach. The Prophet was fast in his walk, and it was narrated that seeing his face one would think that the sun is rising from it. He was not extreme nor an extremist, he never mistreated those who mistreated him; however, he used to pardon and forgive. Allah subhanahu wa ta^ala has given the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam the perfect of manners and the good traits, and has given him also a vast knowledge.