Giraffes Dangerous Lives By: Sergio
Table of Contents
Habitat Live in hot grassy, savannas Some live in forest Live in Africa Savannas flat land, tall grass, and tall tress Dry, grassy parts of Africa Live in intanzania, Kenya, Angoala,Zaire, Maliy,Aligerra
Food and Water Eat with it’s tong Eat leaves from top trees Eat every single day Eat from tall trees Most of water comes from leaves Can eat 75 pounds of leaves one day Giraffes bend down low to get water Can go days between drinks
Daily Behavior Baby giraffes need sisters so the sister can protect them from enemies There protesters are lion, cheetahs, hyenas, leopards, African wild dog Eat during the day Cabs live with family until they are one year old Live in herbs can go up to 15 Eat most of the time Sleep standing up Do not sleep much Run up to 35 mills pre hour
Family Structures Give birth standing up Female feed the young when they are born Female takes care of baby One day later baby can run Can have one baby at a time Live in a herb to stay safe In the herb they take care of each other
Interesting Facts Tong is dark black Baby can stand up 6 feet 1.8 meters Pull branches into it’s mouth Have 7 neck bonus like a human Tail is as a yard stick Called cabs just like an elephant Male Giraffes are called bolus
Bibliography Bredeson camem, Giraffes up close, New jersey, Jean Michel, 2009 Schaefer Lola, Giraffes long neck, Minesota,press Capstone,2002