By Faith
Physical Characteristics Black-tailed prairie dogs are inches tall. Their tails are 2-3 inches long. They weigh 1- 3 pounds. They have black tails and eyes with brown fur. They have short legs and sharp claws.
Lifespan They live 8 years in captivity, but only 3- 5 years in the wild.
Eating Habits and Diet Black-tailed prairie dogs are herbivores. They eat grass sedges (a grass like plant), forbes (flowering plants), roots, seeds, and insects.
Population There used to be hundreds of millions, but now there are around million black-tailed prairie dogs.
Habitat/Range They live in 10 U.S. states, 2 Mexican states, and one Canadian province. They live in deserts and plains. Their small, scattered colonies take up 1- 2 million acres.
Adaptations Pitched warning barks Camouflage Strong back legs This tells others that a predator is coming. They are brown to blend in with their habitat. Their back legs are very strong to help them stand tall to look over the grass.
Fun Facts Most prairie dogs hibernate but black- tailed prairie dogs do not. They live in tunnels.
Endangered Because: Black-tailed prairie dogs are endangered because of habitat destruction poisoning shooting, and exotic disease.
Defenders of the Wild