CS774. Markov Random Field : Theory and Application Lecture 17 Kyomin Jung KAIST Nov
Remind: MRF for Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS) Given a graph G=(V,E), a subset I of V is called an Independent Set, if for all, the two end points of e does not belong to I simultaneously. When the vertices are weighted, an independent set I is called MWIS if the sum of the weights of is maximum. Finding a MWIS is equivalent to finding a MAP in the following MRF on where, and if otherwise is the weight at node v.
MRF for Combinatorial Optimization Example: Maximum Independent Set (MIS). Input: A graph. Feasible solution: A set S of vertices. Value of solution: |S|. Objective: Maximize. Similar example: Max-cut, vertex coloring problem
NP-hardness Finding the optimal solution is NP-hard. Practical implication: no polynomial time algorithm always finds optimum solution. Approximation algorithms: polynomial time, guaranteed to find “near optimal” solutions for every input. Heuristics: useful algorithmic ideas that often work, but fail on some inputs. (ex, Belief Propagation)
Approximation Ratio For maximization problems (ex maxcut):
Approximation Algorithms Many approximation algorithms are designed. A large variation between approximation ratios of different problems. FPTAS (Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme) PTAS (Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme) Constant ratio, super-constant…
K-Cliques A K-clique is a set of K nodes with all K(K-1)/2 possible edges between them This graph contains a 4-clique
Given: (G, k) Question: Does G contain a k-clique? K-Cliques Two problems are essentially the same Clique / Independent Set
Complement of G Given a graph G, let G*, the complement of G, be the graph such that two nodes are connected in G* if and only if the corresponding nodes are not connected in G G G*
Vertex Coloring Problem The assignment of labels or colors to the vertices of a graph. Each edge has different color at its end nodes. This problem can be expressed by MRF so that # of total coloring is the same as the partition function. The smallest number of colors needed to color a graph G is called its chromatic number χ(G).
Hardness of MIS and Coloring Problem For any constant ε > 0 there is no polynomial-time n 1− ε -approximation algorithm for the maximum independent set problem unless P = NP. For any constant ε > 0 there is no polynomial-time n 1− ε -approximation algorithm for computing the chromatic number of G unless P = NP. Hence we consider some practical and restricted class of graphs, like planar graph and unit disk graph.
Definition – Planar Graph
Grid Minors for Planar Graphs r r grid: r 2 vertices Treewidth = r r r grid is the canonical planar graph of treewidth Θ (r) : every planar graph of treewidth w has an Ω (w) Ω (w) grid minor [Robertson, Seymour, Thomas, 1994] r r
PTAS for Independent set on planar graphs Method originated by Baker (1994) Extended by several authors to more general/other classes of graphs e.g. SODA 2005: Demaine & Hajigitani – more problems and minor closed classes of graphs
k-outerplanar graphs Label vertices of a plane graph by level. All vertices on exterior face level 1. All vertices on exterior face when vertices of levels 1 … i are removed, are on level i+1. Graph is k-outerplanar when at most k levels. Theorem: k-outerplanar graphs have treewidth at most 3k – 1. 3-outerplanar
Independent set on k-outerplanar graphs For fixed k, finding a maximum independent set in a k-outerplanar graph can be solved in linear time (approximately 8 k n time). By dynamic programming using tree- decomposition
Baker’s scheme For each i in {1,2, …, k} do Remove all vertices in levels i, i+k, i+2k, i+3k, … Each connected component of the remaining graph is (k-1)-outerplanar. Solve independent set exactly on the remaining graph. Output the best of the k obtained independent sets.
Approximation Ratio Look at a maximum independent set S. Each of the k runs deletes a different subset of S. So, there is a run that deletes at most |S|/k vertices from S one of the runs gives an answer that is at least (k-1)/k times the size of the optimum. This gives a PTAS.
Unit Disk Graph A unit disk graph is the intersection graph of a set of unit disks in the Euclidean plane. Two disks have edge when they intersect. There exists a PTAS for the MIS (selecting disjoint disks). The idea is similar to that of Baker.
Independent Set of Disk Graph
Independent set (Greedy)
Independent set (Greedy)
Independent set (Greedy)
Independent set K=2
Independent set