Composed of separate parts A structure or an entity made up of distinct components. Composite Compound Not simple A complex material From Latin compositus, to put together
Is measured in square units Area Different for each shape Involves multiplication J. Q area The size of a surface
Is measured in cubic units Volume control on a radio Involves multiplication Involves 3 dimensional figures The amount of space inside a container Put the volume down
perimeter The distance around the shape Circumference Involves addition the external boundary or surface of a figure or object. from Latin circumferentia, from circumferre to carry around, from circum- + ferre to carry — more at bearbear
Trigonometry Reminds me of Trigonometry Reminds me of three It is made up of two words Metry or measurement triangle Students add their own
Trigonometry Is used Trigonometry Is used Is used in navigation engineering construction astronomy Surveying land
A ratio is a comparison of like quantities Ratios are just like fractions 3 to 5 is an example of a ratio We write ratios in 3 different ways 3 to 5 3:5 Each term is expressed in the same unite, then unite re left out. Ratios are usually written in their simplest form.
Perimeter to measure Peri For 2D shapes meter distance around a shape The units are mm,cm, m, km It is called circumference for circles Made of two words involves addition
Is measured in square units Different for each shape Involves multiplication The backyard area The size of a surface Prior knowledge What is area?
Mean, Median Mode and Range Middle Average Most frequent Difference
Real life application of coordinate geometry For finding the distance between the places In Geography also it has many applications In astrophysics to find the distance between the planets, coordinate geometry helps. For everyday activities: reading street directories For monitoring of traffic flow, coordinates provide an accurate method for indicating position. For locating points and finding the distance between two points
Applying percentages Commission Incomes Taxes Profits or losses Goods and services (GST) (Goods and services tax) is a fee charged on things imported and sold. The rate is 10%. A fee charged by a government on a product, income, or activity. Commission is a fee which a salesperson would receive upon completion of a sale. The gain or the loss of something. Money received esp. on a regular basis for work.
The opposite of any event is its complement. Complementary The complement of winning is losing The opposite for getting a 4 on a roll of a die, the complement is getting a 1,2,3,5 or 6 We us the word complement in the topic probability
Is Prism
Polygons They are made of straight lines Example: quadrilateral A polygon is a plane shape with straight sidesplane Polygons are 2- dimensional shapes the shape is "closed" (all the lines connect up)
Some words in maths that are used in other subjects Bar value variable Pie Ascending Descending Prime Consecutive Base Exterior Expand Evaluate Simplify Sum Product Complementary Supplementary Simplify Reduce factor Composite