DACUM Developing A CurriculUM DACUM (Day-come) is an acronym which stands for Developing a Curriculum. The process was begun in Canada in the 1960’s by technical college faculty who were attempting to develop training curricula for business and industry. The process has been enhanced over the years and is now considered one of the most popular small group methods of occupational analysis.
H P I W HIGH PERFORMING INCUMBENT WORKER The process begins with the identification of 6 to 8 veteran workers who will serve on a DACUM panel. Individuals who have worked for two or more years on the job and are identified as quality staff members are referred to as high performing incumbent workers.(HPIW)
DACUM PANEL OF WORKERS NEUTRAL FACILITATOR RECORDERS OBSERVERS In addition to a panel of workers the process includes a neutral facilitator, recorders who help capture the panels work on cards and, when appropriate, observers.
Occupational Analysis Assumptions 1. Expert workers are the best source for task analysis. 2. Any occupation can be effectively described in terms of DUTIES, TASKS, and KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, & TRAITS. The process recognizes that the best source of initial information on a job is veteran workers. The process leads to five basic results: duties, tasks, knowledge, skills and traits.
Method of Job and Task Analysis Small Group Method This method requires a minimum of three incumbent workers to participate in developing the job and task analysis. There are many techniques for analyzing jobs . The DACUM process is just one of a number of techniques that utilize small groups.
Method of Job and Task Analysis Research Method This method requires a person trained in task analysis to research available resources. There are also research approaches to job analysis that involve the development of paper and pencil surveys of workers and managers. The data collected from DACUM panels can provide the basis for the development of research tools.
Method of Job and Task Analysis Job Observation Method This method requires a worker who is performing the task and a person trained in job and task analysis to observe and analyze the task. Although very labor intensive, jobs can also be analyzed though a process of job observation (or shadowing).
Ask Don’t Tell The DACUM process doesn’t tell the worker what they do, but rather asks them through a series of structured questions and activities to describe their job
Subsequent review Panels O/A Inverted Pyramid Sub Task (“how”) Subsequent review Panels & Management Review Tasks (“what”) Duties Table of Organization Job Definition Title Highest Level of Detail Task Analysis Validation Initial DACUM Panel Lowest A panel of expert workers begin the process by developing a job title and definition. The facilitator then helps the workers place their job in the organizational structure. The panel then identifies duties (generally 5 to 12 major job areas). The job tasks associated with each duty are then identified. Once the job profile is complete subsequent panels are asked to validate the job profiles. The validated job profile is then shared with a panel of managers to gain their input. Once the job analysis is complete a job task analysis can be conducted. The task analysis identifies the sub tasks associated with each task.
Occupational Duties Worksheet Please identify the major (big) pieces of your occupational pie: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Other 3 2 1 The workers are asked to identify the major segments of their jobs (duties) For a manager a typical duty might be to Provide Staff Supervision.. 4 8 5 7 6 Definition of Duty: General area of competence that successful workers in the occupation must demonstrate or perform on an ongoing basis.
Task A work activity that has a definite beginning and ending, is observable, consist of two or more definite steps, and leads to a product, service, or decision. After a specific duty is identified the set of tasks that are required to complete this component of the job are then compiled by the panelists. A task is identified as a work activity that has a definite beginning and ending, is observable, consist of two or more definite steps, and leads to a product, service, or decision.
Maintain the Automobile Tasks: Wash the car exterior Vacuum car interior Wax the car Check the car fluid levels Check tire air pressure For example if a duty associated with a particular occupation was maintain the automobile then some of the tasks included in the completion of that duty could include: wash the car exterior, vacuum car interior and so on.
MODEL DUTY/TASK VERB MODIFIER NOUN CARD The panelists would be encouraged by the facilitator and aided by the recorders to phrase the duty and task cards in behavioral (measurable terms). The model DACUM duty or task statement would include a verb, modifier and a noun.
TYPICAL CARDS (V) Implement (M) Training (N) Program A duty or task card for a trainer or manager might look like this: Implement (verb) Training (modifier) Program (noun). This “verb modifier noun” format is used to provide consistency in the job profile and to provide the foundation for the development of performance objectives, a common element of most training and evaluation processes.
and familiarity with facts and information. Knowledge An understanding and familiarity with facts and information. Paneliss are asked to identify the areas of knowledge that a successful worker in this occupation should posses.
Skills The ability to perform occupational tasks with a high degree of proficiency. The panelists then list the skills that are necessary to perform the job.
Traits An innate or learned ability or distinguishing quality that allows an individual to complete a job. Finally the workers are asked to identify those traits which a successful worker in the occupation should posses.
Editing & Prioritizing The panelist are then led through a series of exercises that help to both edit the profile and identify priority duties and tasks. The draft job profile is then reviewed and edited by the panelists. The process concludes with a series of prioritizing exercises that allow workers to identify crucial and frequently performed task, as well as those where significant training needs exist.
Criticality A measure of job duties and tasks that panelists believe to be essential and/or most important components of a job. Panelists are asked to place the duties in a rank order from most to least important. Next the panelist identify those tasks which they believe are the most crucial elements of the job.
Frequency A measure of job tasks that panelists believe to require the largest time commitments. The panelists then identify those task which require the greatest commitment of time.
"The road to success is always under construction.” Lily Tomlin The DACUM process is a quality tool that helps an agency or organization involve workers in the collection of data which can be used to improve worker performance and expand management information regarding the work that is being performed. The quest for quality is an ongoing process. To quote Lily Tomlin, “The road to success is always under construction”. The DACUM process is a valuable tool to help pave that road.