hotel Telephone Clock/ morning call Id Card/passport 身分證 護照 Counter 櫃檯 Luggage 行李 Lobby 大廳 Elevator 電梯 Check in 入宿登記
Hotel clerk: Hello, how may I help you? Customer: I would like to check-in. I want a double-bed room. clerk:Yes. Your room number is 602. Here is your key. Customer: Thank you.
Restauraunt Hamburger French fries 薯 條 Coke Fried chicken 炸雞 Biscuit 餅乾 Apple pie Chicken nuggets 雞塊 Salad Milk shake 奶昔 menu
Restaurant A: May I help you? B: Yes. I’d like combo No 1,please. C: I’d like a hamburger and some French fries..A: For here or to go? B: I’ll eat here. 或 take out, please.
airport Passport 護照 Tickets 機票 Boarding pass 登機證 Aisle seat 走道座位 Window seat 靠窗座位 Baggage 行李 Gate 登機門
airport A:hello,may I help you? B:I ‘d like to check in. A: Ticket and passport, please. A: Window or aisle seat? B: window seat. A: How many pieces of luggage? B: I have one luggage. A: Here’s your boarding pass. Boarding time is 9:30.Gate 6 Thank you.
Convenient store Juice Pudding Snack 零食 Milk Tea egg Hot dog Bread Magazine 雜誌 Newspaper 報紙
A:Welcome to the store, how may I help you? B:Excuse me, where can I get some milk? A:It’s over there. B:How much is it? A:That will be 25. B:Here you are. A:5 dollars is your change. Have a good day.