Project Khaedu Social Welfare Port Shepstone Project Khaedu Social Welfare Port Shepstone 1 June 2006
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Agenda Executive summary Situation Complications Some suggestions We are dealing separately with Social Security and Social Services Programs Caveat: These analyses & suggestions are based on 3 days observation. Further investigation would be required to confirm findings & support suggestions
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Key Message Social security can significantly improve its grant application process by better using available resources & infrastructure, but powers must be delegated from the Region Social Welfare Services is not utilising limited skills & resources optimally and need improved service from the courts & integration with Social Security.
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Situation Concerns … Physical environment needs attention People queue early Highlights Dedicated staff Multi-skilled staff Friendly service of customers 6 am outside the office
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Concerns … No privacy for clients Cluttered desks Unused areas No Signage or information No broader community information & consultation Computers under-utilised
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Very Good Very Poor OK Poor Good Our citizens are unhappy with the service we are offering … Client Surveys
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Our staff are unhappy with the conditions under which they must work but are OK with most other issues. Staff Surveys Very Good Very Poor OK Poor Good
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Application process runs in series, not parallel. All staff is not all adequately utilised … ProcessStaff Member 07:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:00 Queue walking Admin Clerk & Help desk Process briefingHelp Desk Fill intake forms3 x clerk Check on SOCPENClerk (1 at a time) Provide helpHelp desk Referrals & DocsHelp Desk Photostat documents1 x clerk at a time Clerks fill in forms3 x grant clerks Assist to apply for accountHOSS Bank processes accountsExternal VerificationSenior Grant Clerk Issue receiptsSenior Grant Clerk Registry batchingRegistry clerk Check if grant approved2 x clerks Cleaning & arranging chairsAdmin Clerk Clerks can process 22 applications / day but only doing max of 16 per day Senior grant clerk & registry clerk spend most of the day doing nothing Clerks checking approvals have variable work load
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Complication There is lack of information on the implications and plans of SASSA. SASSA service delivery hampered by: Backlogs - 3 months forms (2300) backlog in PMB Communication from SASSA inadequate Poor use of physical space Not opened Gamalakhe sub-office in Margate
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Suggestions Short term Accelerate decentralisation of capturing & approval of grants & administrative processes At slow times of the month send 2 clerks to PMB to capture backlog Put up proper signage in English and Zulu Make information posters & pamphlets available at the door in English and Zulu Place articles & advert in local papers to encourage people to come in later in the day with the right documents Notify applicants on approval by SMS so they don’t have to come check Redesign the floor plan …
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone The office can be rearranged to improve process flow and staff utilisation … Forms Referal Forms Photostat Intake Socpen Enquiries Verify Check Bank (pm) Capture & registry Check Application & Enquiries Referals Forms Information
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Many people have access to SMS messaging
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Suggestions Medium Term Develop real time data capture by clerks while filling out forms Improve environment to better image, comfort & cleanliness – get access to toilets Open sub-offices in Margate (no additional staff needed) Improve staff development & career pathing Train likely excess grant processing staff (once SASSA new process introduced) to provide more frequent service at satellite stations or work in Social Welfare Services
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Social Services and Development
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Situation – social welfare services Systems and processes are long and dependent on others Court system Social security Regional Office Professional staff skills are under-utilised Massive and building backlogs in Foster Grant applications Frustration and resultant apathy amongst staff Poor infrastructure and facilities
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Staff morale appears low… Very good Good OK Poor V. poor “Lack of resources & transparency” “Good policies not implemented” “Implementation not done properly”
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone There is a growing backlog due to fragmentation and bottlenecks in the process Growing backlog To be confirmed
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Faculties are inadequate Shared photocopier – poorly placed due to lack of space Very cramped office space – 3 sharing this office
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Complications – social welfare services Split in the process and lack of synergy between players in the process Dependency on Court to progress an application – only deal with 6 cases per week increasing the backlog Dependent on slow social grant application process for foster grant to be awarded even though Court has already ruled in favour Poor transport management results in Social Workers spending much of their time in the office 5 vehicles but only 1 ‘functional’ and shared between Social Security and Social Services Shared office equipment Photocopiers shared with Social Security - waste time going to photocopy next door Sharing of computers between Social Workers
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Systems and processes are long and dependent on others Applicant arrives at office Applicant screened Referred to a social worker who fills in intake form Interview held with available social worker Area social worker investigates case Social worker compiles report and forwards to HOSS HOSS checks the report and discusses if necessary Report sent to statutory unit in Court who provides date for hearing Client called in to discuss the report Magistrate assesses application and makes decision 3 copies made and sent to (1) Soc Sec, (2) Regional Office and (3) remain at Court Documents sent to the Regional Office Regional Office responds requesting 16/02 report Client sent to Social Security to begin grant application process 1-2 months Only 6 cases/week! 3 months Total process approximately 9-12 months
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Suggestions – social welfare services Approval of suitable subsidised cars on appointment of social workers Establish dedicated Children’s Court Enquiry Unit Reorganise the offices to allow for privacy required for interviews Shorten the process for foster grant applications The Magistrate’s approval should be sufficient for immediate access to a grant Consider an 6 month interim grant ‘on application’ in majority of cases of familial fostering – but bolster M&E
Kaedu Welfare Presentation Port Shepstone Other issues Administrative powers need to be delegated by the Regional office Social Development must implement synergy with other economic cluster departments in order to improve utilisation of limited resources