Doesn’t Anyone Care What I Did Before I Lived in the White House? Abraham Lincoln’s Early Life in New Salem, IL
New Salem, IL Abraham Lincoln’s home from Peak population of 25 families and log and frame structures.
New Salem Village Map
Lincoln’s first job in New Salem Lincoln navigated flatboats along the Sangamon River into New Salem.
Lincoln’s next job Denton Offutt employed Lincoln to work as a clerk in his general store. Working as a clerk allowed Lincoln to form friendships with the people of New Salem. Also, Lincoln learned the many diverse roles that were needed to form a good working society by being a store clerk.
Denton Offutt Store Lincoln’s first store clerk job.
Lincoln becomes a store owner Lincoln forms a business partnership with William Berry. The Berry-Lincoln General Store is opened in By 1837 the store is closed. Berry and Lincoln could not compete with the other stores in town.
Berry-Lincoln Stores First Store Second Store
Lincoln’s Living Arrangements Since Lincoln was a single man living in New Salem it was not practical for him to own a home. Therefore, he was a paying tenant to many of the families of the town during
Various homes that Lincoln rented rooms in while New Salem Jack Kelso Residence
Samuel Hill Residence
Henry Onstot Residence
Events of Lincoln’s New Salem Life. Lincoln engaged in his first fist fight in New Salem and earned the respect of the citizens because he refused to fight when the odds between his opponents and himself were not equal.
Lincoln’s first love was Ann Rutledge of New Salem. She died of disease while they were courting.
Lincoln joined the debate team in New Salem and gave his first public speaking event in the local tavern.
Lincoln began studying law with his friend Jack Kelso in an informal manner. Lincoln’s formal education totaled less than 12 months.
Lincolns first government job In May of 1833 Lincoln was appointed postmaster of New Salem where he served until 1836, when the postal station was moved to Petersburg, IL. Through his postal job Lincoln was able to read the daily newspaper which helped him to follow public opinions throughout the country.
Also, he became acquainted with nearly all settlers in the area by hand delivering some mail to those living miles away from the town. He was often seen carrying many of those letters in his hat which is a habit that he continued throughout his life.
Lincoln also served as a land surveyor which again allowed him to become more familiar with the land and the people that owned and worked the land outside of New Salem.
Lincoln’s Hardships at New Salem His personal tragedy was nothing short of losing his first love Ann Rutledge. His financial situation was not good while in New Salem. He was in debt for many years from his business ventures and was not able to repay them in full until he was working as a lawyer in Springfield IL.
Lincoln leaves New Salem Lincoln left New Salem in 1836 to prepare for the bar exam in Springfield IL. After being granted his license to practice law in the state of IL he retuned to New Salem in New Salem did not offer any opportunities to expand his legal or political career, therefore he made Springfield IL his permanent home.
By: Crista Witt 2010 Sources: Lincoln’s New Salem; Benjamin P. Thomas;