Northern New Jersey Health Profession Opportunity Grant Year 3 Progress Report Justin Doheny Project Director Bergen Community College Paramus, NJ
NNJHPC – What is it? HHS-ACF-OFA Competitive Award, 32 grant recipients TANF, GA, low-income Focus on: Training Recognized Certificates/Diplomas Academic and Social Support Services Work with WIB & One-Stop & Employers Speed transition to self-sustaining income
NNJHPC – HPOG – Who is it?
NNJHPC - HPOG – Who is it?
Who are our Students? 85% Female 85% HS or GED 16% TANF or GA Ethnic 42% Black 34% White 22% Hispanic 4% Asian
Grant Year 1 Grant Year 2 Grant Year 3 Total Active Enrollment New Enrollment Completion Employment Note: Employment includes Healthcare Occupations only
New EnrollmentGY2GY3 Nursing Assistants Medical Assistants Patient Care Technician Phlebotomists Cardiovascular Technologists and Techs71111 Licensed and Vocational Nurses Pharmacy Technicians Medical Records and Health Info Techs 8186 Home Health Aides 6181 Emergency Medical Technicians 6077 Registered Nurses 2268 Dental Hygienists 233 Dental Assistants 2528 Medical Office Clerk/Secretary/Specialist 1422
Employment by Occupation GY 3 Nursing Assistants 223 Home Health Aides 74 Medical Assistants 63 Medical Office Clerk/Secretary/Specialist42 Patient Care Technician 37 Phlebotomists 33 Medical Records and Health Info Techs 30 Emergency Medical Technicians 29 Licensed and Vocational Nurses 23 Dental Assistants 21 Pharmacy Technicians 19 Registered Nurses 5 Cardiovascular Technologists and Techs2 Dental Hygienists 1 Other24
Wages by Occupation GY 3 Nursing Assistants $12.15 Home Health Aides $11.07 Medical Assistants $12.78 Medical Office Clerk/Secretary/Specialist$13.88 Patient Care Technician $13.89 Phlebotomists $15.04 Medical Records and Health Info Techs $13.69 Emergency Medical Technicians $13.59 Licensed and Vocational Nurses $21.17 Dental Assistants $13.80 Pharmacy Technicians $10.80 Registered Nurses $27.40 Cardiovascular Technologists and Techs$15.57 Dental Hygienists $38.00 Average all Reported Health Occupations$13.70
GY 3 Employment, Enrollment & Wages Rank Order EnrolledEmployedWages Nursing Assistants 1112 Medical Assistants 2311 Patient Care Technician 356 Phlebotomists 465 Cardiovascular Technologists and Techs5134 Licensed and Vocational Nurses 693 Pharmacy Technicians Medical Records and Health Info Techs 879 Home Health Aides 9213 Emergency Medical Technicians 108 Registered Nurses Dental Hygienists Dental Assistants Medical Office Clerk/Secretary/Specialist 1447
Employment Any Occupation GY2GY3Total Brookdale Passaic Sussex Bergen Union Essex Middlesex Warren Morris Meridian93241 Hudson12416 Total
First-Time Employment GY2GY3 Average Wage Healthcare $12.28$13.70 Average Wage Any Sector $12.07$13.10
Training Site Total Enrolled VOC Participants Still Enrolled Participants whose Training Concluded Completed Training n(%) Received Certificate/ Degree n (%) Exited without Completing n (%) Bergen CC (91.4)158 (98.8)15 (8.6) Brookdale CC (81.9)172 (100)38 (1.8) Essex CC (79.4)252 (99.2)66 (20.6) Hudson CCC (40.7)22 (100.0)32 (59.3) Meridian Health (89.8)51 (96.2)6 (10.2) Middlesex CC (73.5)87 (87.0)36 (26.5) CC Morris (94.3)96 (97.0)6 (5.7) Passaic CCC (81.3)169 (100.0)39 (18.7) Sussex CCC (91.4)147 (98.7)14 (8.6) Union CC (63.9)117 (90.7)73 (36.1) Warren CCC (87.9)94 (100.0)13 (12.1) TOTAL (80.6) (19.4)
QUESTIONS? Justin Doheny N.B: All data derived from PPR dated October 29, 2013 This program is supported by Grant Number 90FX0001 from the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The contents of this document are solely the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS