POS & Proper Cash Handling Skills
Unit Plan Summary Students will be exposed to terms related to operating a point of sale system. They will be able to identify the different parts of a cash register. Students will also participate in role playing scenarios on how to properly count change back to customers. The scenarios will model real life experiences of handling cash and dealing with customers in the actual retail world.
Essential Questions Why do retail businesses have Point of Sale (POS) systems? Why is it necessary handle customer’s money properly?
Essential Questions Why do retail businesses have Point of Sale (POS) systems? Why is it necessary handle customer’s money properly?
Unit Questions Why is it important that a retail clerk gives you the correct amount of change back when you make a purchase? How does technology help people in retail?
Content Questions What is the correct definition of a till? A. Cash drawer of a cash register B. The amount of money that is in the cash register C. The change in the cash register D. The money the customer gives you What does UPC mean? A. United Purchase Code B. Universal Product Code C. Universal Purchase Code D. Uniform Product Code ?
Before project work beginsStudents work on projects and complete tasks After project work is completed Ask the students to think about a time they purchase d somethin g at a store. How long did they have to wait? Ask students if they have ever operated a POS system. Ask students if they know what a POS is Ask students if know the proper way to count back change Students complete vocabular y squares Students complete note taker on the 2 methods for counting back change Students play an online game for counting change Teacher observes students role play different change counting scenarios Students answer handout with different cash handling situations Teacher calls on non- volunteer s to answer steps in the proper way for handling cash Teacher collects exit tickets with students summarizin g cash handling procedures Teacher asks students to document a time they purchased something at the mall. How did the clerk respond to them?
Assessment Summary Students are given immediate feedback throughout the lesson daily. All students have journal notebooks where they write down the daily lesson objectives and reflect on prompts that directly relate to the daily lesson. Students are given a vocabulary test where they are expected to score with at least 80% accuracy. Students will demonstrate the proper way to operate a cash register as well as count back change accurately.