1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 1 1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May 2014 1 Royal Automobile Association.


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Presentation transcript:

1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 1 1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Royal Automobile Association of Thailand Officials Safety Training Programme May 2014 Report Writing Chris Hobson Peter Greenhalgh

2 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 2 2 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May

3 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 3 3 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Report Writing With thanks to The Motor Sports Training Trust

4 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 4 4 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Why do we need reports? In groups: 1. What situations may require a report? 2. Who might a report go to? 3. What might a report be used for? 4. What should be in a report?

5 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 5 5 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Purpose Of Reporting  Gather and present facts  Provide evidence for senior officials who will not have witnessed the events themselves  May be a summary of evidence from more than one person

6 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 6 6 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief’s Report Form (1)

7 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 7 7 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chiefs’ Report Form Part 2 Do not forget to put a diagram on the back!

8 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 8 8 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May The Need For Accuracy  Facts only  Verifiable  Logical The whole pack of cars driving like lunatics came rushing down towards us and the driver of car 26, the blue one who has been causing trouble all season moved over and deliberately drove into Bill Whizz and pushed him off which is unfair because Billy is a nice guy who the marshals all get on well with and never causes us any trouble here at all. Billy tried to get out of the way and you could see that he was expecting it to come but he spun off and stopped Car 26 deviated from the line he had followed on the previous 5 laps and came into contact with car 13. Car 13 moved to the right, spun and left the circuit coming to a halt at our location. 

9 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 9 9 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Brief or Concise?  Brief = omits important information  Concise = short but still contains all the essential details Car 26 deviated from the line he had followed on the previous 5 laps and came into contact with car 13. Car 13 moved to the right, spun and left the circuit coming to a halt at our location. Car 13 left the circuit, came to a halt at our location.

10 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 10 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Simplicity  Selective,  Accurate,  Objective,  Concise,  Clear,  Consistent  BUT………………….do not over-simplify

11 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 11 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May The Diagram Start with the track in plan view If you are on a straight include an arrow to show direction “A picture is worth a thousand words!” So please supplement your report with a diagram of what happened

12 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 12 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May The Diagram (2) Add fixed points. For example; Barriers, Gravel Traps, Flag points Remember to add your position from where you were observing

13 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 13 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May The Diagram (3) Add the positions of the cars We are interested in where they were before, during & after the incident

14 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 14 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May The Diagram (4) Add arrows to show the route of the cars Missed anything? Oil patches? Puddles? DON’T LET THE CLERK OF THE COURSE RUSH YOU

15 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 15 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief Report Summary (1)  Must be written on official report pads  All boxes are to be completed  Reports must be signed and name printed to identify signatory  Car numbers in car number box

16 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 16 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief Report Summary (2)  Times in time box (time to be time of the incident)  Make sure you fill all other boxes, such as weather etc.  Use “left” and “right” - not “near-side” or “off-side”  Report other means of identifying cars (names, makes, colours) if numbers not seen. You will probably be able to get numbers the next lap round  On sketches - indicate circuit direction

17 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 17 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief Report Summary (3)  Overtaking under yellow or red  Were marshals track side?  Was the driver still in the car?  How long had flags been out?  What flags were out?  Where did overtaking occur in respect of the flags?  Reinforce with a diagram  Numbers of all cars involved is essential

18 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 18 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief Report Summary (3) Contact reports  Numbers of all cars involved  Accurate statement of area(s) of contact  Do not just rely on tick boxes, try to give a description of incident also  Do not forget a diagram

19 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 19 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Post Chief Report Summary (4)  Report only the facts (not opinions) and ensure all details are correct  Consult with your team in order to get an accurate report if you are not sure  If you did not see the incident but another member of the team did, get them to write it up and sign it  If you are not sure do not put anything down  Talk to the Clerk of the Course or Chief Post Chief if you wish to add further comments regarding the incident

20 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 20 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Major Incident Reports  To be initiated on the following:-.  Heavy impact requiring driver extrication  Driver removed from scene in ambulance/medical car  Driver treated on post by doctor/paramedic  When requested by race control  In all circumstances, names and addresses of witnesses must be used, e.g. Flag marshal, I/O or marshals involved  All S.I. Reports must have a post chief’s report attached  ‘Times of events’ required to complete form can be obtained from race log in race control  Always note times of arrivals/departures of rescue vehicles, doctor's cars, ambulances (even if unsure whether or not a serious incident report will be required)

21 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 21 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Handing In Reports  Check the report is complete (circuit, post, date, time, race/practice number and type)  Signal to course car by holding up report or hand  Hand in report to Clerk of the Course, Chief Post Chief or deputies only  May need to pass on verbal information about serious incidents/infringements  Only pass verbal information to clerk or deputy. If information is of a critical nature, then request privacy (away from stewards or guests in the course car)  Course car may also pick up Post Chief or other witnesses for judicial enquiries if necessary

22 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 22 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Finally You must ensure that the persons for whom the report is intended:  Can read it without unnecessary delay  Can understand everything in it without undue effort  Can accept the facts and use them to decide what action to take More than just presenting relevant facts accurately. Your reports must be both acceptable and intelligible to the readers. More than just presenting relevant facts accurately. Your reports must be both acceptable and intelligible to the readers.

23 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 23 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May