Southern California CERT Regional Workshop March 6,
Describe the benefits and components of the Program Explain the revised Regulations and their application Identify the ‘anatomy’ of a worker’s compensation claim 2
Nation at war Pacific situation – Fear of mass attack on CA Coast Volunteer workforce – Recruited and trained – No expectation of compensation Legislative action 3
Certified War Councils (renamed Disaster Councils) as “accredited” Allowed registration of volunteers as DSWs Provided worker’s compensation to registered volunteers Offered limited liability protection Required Loyalty Oath For proper enrollment as a DSW volunteer 4
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Approves disaster council accreditation, regulations, classifications Delegates registration/oath authority to state agencies Manages DSW appropriation - Works with State Fund and Cal OES Divisions Reviews claims, authorize settlements, issue checks Ensures compliance: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Federal reporting mandate: Medicare beneficiaries Ref: ESA, GC ,
State Legislature Approves DSW appropriation in state budget (annually) Source of funding: General Fund Funds pay approved workers’ compensation claims State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) Processes claims Calculates benefits Communicates with Cal OES from start of claim to closure 6 Fiscal Year (s)Amount $ 663, $1,125, present$1,012,000
Accredited Disaster Councils or Authorized Designees* Registration (Group or Individual): ⇨ C omplete DSW registration form: applicant & government entity. ⇨ Administer Oath at meeting or event/activity by authorized official. ⇨ File and maintain DSW records. Supervision: √ Decide who acts in supervisory capacity and how supervision performed √ Determine criteria, i.e. experience, training √ Provide Program education, worker’s compensation claim instruction *Government/public entities delegated Program authority by the ADC. 7
Accredited Disaster Councils or Authorized Designees* Training: Determine Minimum emergency management experience Curriculum, number of exercises, hours License/certification for a given classification Background Checks: Required? Considerations 1. Classification – Duties performed? Volunteer contact? 2. Cost - $$$ Who pays? 3. How to interpret findings? What to do with information? *Government/public entities delegated Program authority by the ADC. 8
DSW Volunteer Disaster Service: Eligible & Excluded Activities DSW Registration Volunteer Classifications Oath Authority File Retention & Recordkeeping Worker’s Compensation Claims 9
KEY REVISIONS: Statutory Inclusion (i.e. Agency name change, amended filing language) Supervision: Clarification/Definition [CCR §2570.2(b)(1)] Background Check (CCR §2572.1) Eligible & Excluded Activities: Definition [CCR §2570.2(b)(1)] Classifications: Description updates/Addition (CCR §2572.1) Registra tion and Training (CCR §2573.1) Claim Submissions: Training document addition (CCR §2573.3) 10
Registered with: Accredited Disaster Council (ADC) or Authorized Designee (i.e. ADC designates County Animal Control) Cal OES or authorized state agency Receives no pay Activated by registering agency Impressed into service (rare) Auxiliary Firefighter EXCLUDES: Volunteer Firefighters Spontaneous Unaffiliated volunteers 11
Adults physically and mentally capable of performing disaster related activities Employed, unemployed, or retired persons Volunteers under 18 with parental or legal guardian consent 12
Activities authorized in: California Emergency Services Act (ESA) ► Resulting from: -State of War emergency -State & Local proclaimed emergencies -Search and rescue missions -Official out-of-state deployments -Activities performed to mitigate imminent threat of extreme peril to life, property -Official mutual aid assistance ► Described in DSW classifications scope of duties ► Travel to and from the incident site REF: GC Sections 8558 & CCR §2570.2(b)(1) 13
► Training May be required by: - ADC, authorized designee, supervising agency May include: √ Basic/Advanced/Refresher courses √ Exercises (Person in ‘victim’ role must be registered as DSW volunteer) √ Out-of-state: only under very specific criteria Must be: 1.Approved in advance by the ADC or authorized agency 2.Documented to verify participation 3.Supervised ► Offsite, onsite ► Paid staff, volunteers 4.Commensurate with classification 14
Day-to-day operations ◦ Activities typically associated with emergency response agencies (i.e., assisting with single structure fires, traffic collisions; crowd control for concerts & sporting events) Preparedness/Planned Activities ◦ Educational fairs, first aid booths ◦ Parades, festivals, fundraisers, smoke detector installations, website development, etc. Self Activation Travel to and from the training site 15
Accredited Disaster Councils (ADC) All 58 counties in CA Most cities in CA Authorized Designees of ADC Government/public agencies Cal OES o Law Enforcement Branch o Recovery Branch o Telecommunications Division County OES Authorized state agencies 16
Required: 1.Name & address of registrant 2.Classification More than one may be identified depending on scope of duties 3.Date enrolled (date Loyalty Oath signed) 4.Loyalty Oath √ Taken & signed by applicant before authorized official √ Signed by authorized official √ Signed prior to date of injury 5.Name of registering govt agency w/signature & title of authorized person CCR (a)(4) Optional: Specialty, ID #, Emergency Contact, License #, Phone # 17
Animal Rescue, Care & Shelter Communications Community Emergency Response Team Member Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command Human Services Fire Laborer Law Enforcement Logistics Medical & Environmental Health Safety Assessment Program Evaluator Search & Rescue Utilities 18
Authorized Persons (GC §3104) Elected officials Designated public officials County and city clerks Notary public Cal OES Director *N O FEE MAY BE CHARGED FOR THE OATH ADMINISTRATION NOTE: Volunteers CANNOT administer the Loyalty Oath 19
Registration Form Completed by ADC or authorized designee. Completed by applicant. Applicant: subscribe, date & sign. Official: administer oath & sign.
Loyalty Oath – Registration Form State Agency – filed within 30 days County – Clerk or Official Department personnel file City – Clerk Other authorized Public Agency - designated Officer/Employee of the agency Available for inspection by SCIF/Cal OES Registrations to be kept current Storage: hardcopy or electronic format If electronic format, requires written statement on file verifying that original used to scan, , attach in database, etc. Destruction of records: 5 years after DSW’s service ends Ref: GC §
Required Documents: SCIF Form 3301 – Claim Form SCIF Form 3267 – Employer’s Report DSW Volunteer Registration Including Loyalty Oath Written Incident Report If injury due to training: Training Documentation Pre-authorization of Training Activity 22
Injured DSW Volunteer Completes Employee section ADC/Supervising Agency Completes Employer section Provides copy of completed form to volunteer Mails original to SCIF within 5 calendar days after receipt from DSW volunteer 23
Employee/Injured DSW Volunteer Lines 1- 7 Line 8 (Signature) Employer/ADC or Supervising Agency Lines 9-13Supervisor Line 14Pre-filled Line 15N/A Line 16Supervisor’s signature Line 17Supervisor’s title Line 18Phone number 24
ADC/Supervising Agency Completes within 5 days of injury notification Mails original to SCIF OR Calls 24 hr. Claims Reporting Center at : (888) Faxes or s copy to Cal OES Do not wait for completed SCIF Form 3301 Do not have volunteer complete 25
Lines 1-3Line 1a pre-filled Lines 4-54 pre-filled, 5 N/A Line 6Pre-filled Lines 7-10 Lines 11-16If unknown, leave blank Lines Lines 27-29May have partial information Lines Line 35Regular job– not DSW duties Lines 36-39If unknown, leave blank Lines
Brief, concise account of incident Completed by supervising authority May be submitted on agency letterhead, fax cover sheet, or by 27
If injury is due to training: Training log sheet or similar document verifying participation showing: Volunteer’s name Time in/time out Supervisor’s name/signature Date Name of event Pre-authorization of training activity must be: Approved in advance Commensurate with DSW classification 28
DSW Volunteers & Mutual Aid Assistance Claims Submission Requesting Agency needs DSW volunteers Sending Agency deploys DSW volunteers DSW volunteer injured under Requesting Agency’s supervision Who is responsible for paperwork? Both Agencies coordinate efforts to complete & submit required forms Requesting Agency 1.SCIF 3267 – Completes Form 2.SCIF 3301 – Provides Form to injured DSW volunteer 3.Incident Report – Completes brief narrative Sending Agency 1.DSW Registration & Oath Who submits paperwork? Requesting Agency 1.Mail original 3267, 3301 to SCIF & fax/ copies to Cal OES. 2.Fax/ copies: incident report to SCIF & Cal OES; 3.Fax/ training docs, if applicable, to SCIF & Cal OES Sending Agency Fax/ Registration & Oath to SCIF & Cal OES Both Agencies provide copies of all documents to each other.
DOCUMENTSCIFCAL OESCOMMENTS SCIF 3267 Fax Copy & Mail Orig Fax or Scan Copy SCIF Fax: CAL OES Fax: SCIF 3301 DSW Registration & Oath Fax Copy Incident Report Training Pre-Authorization* *Required for training related injuries Training Verification* 30 Step-by-step claim information located at: Worker-Volunteer-Program.aspx
Government Code ◦ ◦ ◦ 8567 ◦ , ◦ ◦ ◦ 8668 Vehicle Code ◦ Labor Code ◦ a ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 5400 et. Seg Civil Code ◦
33 Anita Chant Kathryn Chin Anita Chant Kathryn Chin Program Lead Claims Analyst Program Lead Claims Analyst (916) (916) (916) (916) DSWVP Regulations, Guidance & Related Documents: Volunteer-Program.aspx Volunteer-Program.aspx