Unit 11 Think Before You Throw Deborah Soong Teaching Activities Index.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 11 Think Before You Throw Deborah Soong

Teaching Activities Index

Teaching Activities 1st period 1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-2The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading - Paragraphs 1-2Reading - Paragraphs 1-2 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 3-4The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading - Paragraphs 3-4Reading - Paragraphs Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period 1. Word FileWord File 2. Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3. ExpansionExpansion 4. Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th period Part II Oral & Listening - Unit 9

Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Paragraphs 1-2


Suggestion: Place the six wedding cakeson a clean piece of cardboard and cover them with PE wrap.

Suggestion: Pack them in large containers to save the cost of small packaging, or pack themin net bags.

Suggestion: Pack the cookies in plastic bags.

This is an environment-friendly packaging. Back

Listen to paragraphs 1-2 Skip

Now, answer the following questions.

How do you know from the first two paragraphs that the writer is against using more packaged goods? We know that because he mentioned three tips in these two paragraphs. (1)All these packages add to our solid waste problem. (2)Put as little as possible into the garbage can. (3)It is very expensive to collect and separate wastes.

Packaging wastes have increased over the past few years. 時間副詞片語,動詞宜用 over for + 一段時間的 現在完成式或現在完成進行式。  More colleges and universities have been set up in the past few years.  Over the last ten years, Chinese people have lived a better life.

Chances are they will go right on increasing. Chances are (that).... = It is likely that.... = It is probable that.... 很可能 … One reason for this is there are more people. go on 繼續下去 The doctor went on examining my chest. right 乃副詞,表「一直」。 She was kept busy right up to the moment of her departure.

Also, each of us is using more packaging materials than ever before. For example, in drugstores and supermarkets we serve ourselves from racks of packaged goods. In the past, clerks sold goods from large containers. also: besides; moreover serve: attend to

Today, we rely on the package, not the sales clerk, to sell the product. All these packages add to our solid waste problem. Today, we rely on the package, not the sales clerk, to sellthe product. →Now, we don’t count on the sales clerk, but the package, to sell the product. →At present,it is the package, not the sales clerk,that we depend on to sell the product.

What can we do to help? One thing is to put as little as possible into the garbage can. 用 as...as... 來合併下面這兩句。 (We) put as little (into the garbage can) as (it is) possible(for us to put little) into the garbage can.

Little of the waste that we produce at home is saved and reused because it is more expensive to collect and separate it than to buy new products. Next little 乃代名詞,表「沒有多少, ( 幾 乎沒有的 ) 一點點」,含否定意義,可 用 very 或 rather 等副詞修飾。例: Little is known of the man’s past. You have seen little of life. I got very little out of the book.

Little of the waste that we produce at home is saved and reused because it is more expensive to collect and separate it than to buy new products. that 引導關係代名詞子句修飾先行詞 the waste 。 此處用被動語態,由於發出動作 (save/reuse) 者的身分不重要,所以發出動 作者 (by sb) 隱而不顯。相關用法請參照第 八課基礎句型解析。

Little of the waste that we produce at home is saved and reused because it is more expensive to collect and separate it than to buy new products. … it is more expansive [to collect and separate it] than [to buy new products]. → … [to collect and separate it] is more expansive than [to buy new products]. → … [collecting and separating it] is more expansive than [buying new products]. 請注意第一個 it 是虛主詞,真主詞乃 to collect and separate it ,而第二個 it 乃代名詞,代替 the waste that we produce at home 。

It’s true that large amounts of waste is saved and reused each year, but this does not come from the home. this = large amounts of waste

Clean waste materials that can be reused come mostly from factories or stores where such materials can be collected, stored, and picked up easily. 發出動作者並不重要, 因此此處用被動語態。 MORE...

 The old man makes a living by picking up wastes. ( 收集;整理 )  We picked up the magazines and put them in order. ( 撿拾 )  I will pick you up at your hotel. ( 途中搭載 ) She picked up the phone and said “Hello.” ( 接聽 )  She picked up several famous paintings when she visited Paris. ( 偶得 )  The child was so smart that he picked up the game quickly. ( 學得 ) pick up

For instance, cardboard cartons are now saved in large amounts. This is because they can be easily picked up at retail stores. in large amounts 大量地 Packaging wastes havebeen increasing in large amounts. Back