Geoffrey Chaucer Life and Works
Life London 1343 Oxford & Cambridge The Hundred Year’s War French’s court (1360) Travels (Italy, Spain, Flanders) Comptroller of the Customs (1347) Marries Philippa Roet 1386 The Canterbury Tales Clerk of the king’s works at Westminster (1389) He died in London in 1400.
Life Travels: -France -Spain -Flanders -Italy
Life Inspirations DanteBoccaccio Decameron
Literary Production The French period: -The Romaunt of the Rose -The Book of the Duchess
Literary Production The House of Fame The Parliament of Foules The Legend of Good Women Troilus and Criseyde The Italian Period:
Literary Production Long composition It’s a collection of stories in verses Middle English English Period: The Canterbury Tales
Literary Production Other Works: Anelida and Arcite Treatise On The Astrolabe