Clerk of Session What in the world have I gotten myself into?
Welcome to the world of Decently and In Order
The Book of Order G Officers G a and bModerator G a and b Clerk
Officers Moderator: *Possesses the authority necessary for preserving order and for conducting efficiently the business of the governing body. Clerk of Session: *Shall be an elder elected by the session for such a term as it may determine. *Shall record the transactions of the governing body, keep its roles of membership and attendance, preserve its records carefully, and furnish extracts from them when required by another governing body of the church.
Clerk of Session “keeps the minutes of the meetings, maintains the roll of the entire church, prepares progress reports for the higher governing bodies, encourages the faithful performance of committee duties, and is, in general, the uniting bond for the entire work of the Session.” The Ruling Elder, Boyd McAfee
Keeping Records Minutes of Session Rolls of the Church Registers Annual Statistical Report
Minutes of Session (G ) should include: Stated or Called Time and place Quorum present and who presided Names of Elders present and others attending Meeting was opened and closed with prayer Approval of past minutes Account of business transacted Signature of the Clerk and Moderator
Important Information that needs to be included in the minutes: Full names of members received and the manner of reception, Names of members dismissed, Baptisms, deaths, members placed on inactive, Full proceedings in judicial cases, Election of commissioners to Presbytery, Record of Session minutes examination Statistical report Record of election, examination, and installation of Elders and deacons, Record the examination of Minutes of Board of Deacons and examination of Treasurers’ books, The calling of the Congregational meetings.
You do not need to record everything said, or motions that are not approved. Minutes are a record of what was done and decisions made.
The minutes of the Session are a legal document of the corporation, and an important historical record.
Rolls Active Members’G a(2) Baptized Members’G a(1) Inactive Members’G a(3) Affiliate Members’G a(4)
The Session shall keep complete registers of: Marriages Baptisms Elders Deacons Pastors
Annual Statistical Report Every year, congregations have to report to the presbytery valuable statistical information. This information is used by the presbytery and General Assembly to help stay in touch with the statistical pulse of the congregation and denomination.
Official Correspondence of the Church Certificates of Transfer Resolutions Official Documents – of the Session and Congregation.