July 10 th and July 11 th
Acie said, “All they can do is put me in jail, they can’t touch my soul. When Steve thought of his mother, she was ironing shirts. Mr. Nesbitt’s cause of death was he drowned in his own blood.
Dr. James Moody, Medical Examiner, testifies how the bullet entered the body. Allen Forbes, a city clerk, testifies that the gun was registered to Mr. Nesbitt. Kathy O’Brien shows Steve pictures of the crime scene.
People in the neighborhood thought Mr. Nesbitt was from St. Kitts. The detectives told Steve’s mother they needed to take Steve to the precinct to ask him some questions. According to the newscaster Bobo was the first member of the crew arrested.
Ernie was arrested for armed robbery, unlawful detention, possession of a deadly weapon, assault, and menacing. Prisoners have to stay 18 inches away from their visitors. Steve’s mother brought him the Bible.
Jerry had to stand outside the detention center when he came to visit Steve. Steve could see Jerry from the detention center window. Steve’s mother told him she thought he was innocent.
Steve said, “Bobo is no Einstein.” Steve said when his mother left him he could still feel her pain. James King told Steve, “You don’t have to be no Einstein to get paid. All you got to have is heart.”
James King told Steve all a look-out had to do is check out the place and make sure no badges were copping some z’s in the back.
When the story referred to Steve and King becoming tiny figures in the busting mosaic of Harlem, it meant that Steve and King smaller parts of the big city of Harlem. A Mosaic is the art of creating images from small pieces of stone, glass, or other materials, and using them to create a pattern or picture.