Department of Transportation New Transportation Performance Measures for Transportation Analysis and Thresholds for CEQA Council Meeting November 3, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Transportation New Transportation Performance Measures for Transportation Analysis and Thresholds for CEQA Council Meeting November 3, 2014

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Overview of New Performance Measures Staff Recommendations on CEQA Thresholds Overview of OPR’s Draft CEQA Guidelines Implementing SB 743 Summary of Recommendation from the Planning Commission, TAC and MSC Implementation of the New Performance Measures and CEQA Thresholds 2

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Recommendation: 1. Find that:  the adoption of New Transportation Performance Measures and Thresholds of Significance for CEQA is not a “project” pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines Sections (c)(3) and 15378;  the thresholds are promulgated pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section ;  the thresholds have been formally subjected to a public review process; and  the thresholds are supported by substantial evidence as summarized herein; and 2.Adopt a resolution replacing two existing Transportation Performance Measures with five new Transportation Performance Measures and Set Thresholds of Significance for CEQA for the new measures. 3

Department of Transportation 4 New Measures Public Review Draft Measures Transportation Advisory Commission (Feb & Mar 2014) Municipal Services Committee (March 2014) Community Meeting (March 2014) Planning Commission (April 2014) Proposed Measures Transportation Advisory Commission (May, June, Sep 2014) Planning Commission (May, June, July, Sep 2014) Community Meetings (June 2014) Municipal Services Committee (July & Oct 2014)

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures The Mobility Element is focused on three main policy objectives, as refined from the 2004 General Plan and extensive community input: Enhance livability Encourage walking, biking, transit, and other alternatives to motor vehicles Create a supportive climate for economic viability 5

Department of Transportation Current Thresholds Intersection Level of Service (LOS) - Volume to capacity ratios are the primary measures. Street Segment Analysis - Volume-based analysis of change in traffic on street segments to assess impact. 6

Department of Transportation Current Mobility Metrics 7 Land Use Impact Analysis Intersection Level of Service (LOS) Street Segment Impacts Transportation System Performance Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) – TRO Goal of 1.5 for regulated sites Annual ARTS Ridership Green City Action Plan – Urban Environmental Accord Indicators Arterials average travel time & speeds

Department of Transportation Familiar Responds to many people’s “hot button” issues Established basis for funding and mitigation Syncs up with other agencies What’s right with the present system? 8

Department of Transportation Not-so-good reflection of people’s real experiences May be producing unintended consequences Not well-aligned with adopted policies Not consistent with the vision of Land Use and Mobility Element Update Why consider changes to the system? 9

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Five Proposed Measures with CEQA Thresholds 1.Vehicle Miles Traveled Per Capita 2.Vehicle Trips Per Capita 3.Prox. & Quality of Bike Facilities 4.Prox. & Quality of Transit Facilities 5.Pedestrian Accessibility & Quality 10

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Metric VMT Per Capita Description Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in the City of Pasadena per service population (population + jobs). 11 CEQA Threshold Any increase in Existing Citywide VMT per Capita 22.6

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Metric VT Per Capita Description Vehicle Trips (VT) in the City of Pasadena per service population (population + jobs). 12 CEQA Threshold Any increase in Existing Citywide VT per Capita 2.8

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures VMT and VT Per Capita Measures Not Replacements for LOS Are Measures of Accessibility and Sustainability Projects may reduce VMT by substituting shorter trips for longer ones 13

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Metric Proximity and Quality of Bicycle Network Description Percent of dwelling units and jobs within a quarter mile of each of three bicycle facility types. 14 CEQA Threshold Any decrease in % of units or employment within a ¼ mile of Level 1 or 2 Bike Facility* * Bike Path, Protected or Buffered Bike Lane, Bike Boulevard

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Metric Proximity and Quality of Transit Network Description Percent of jobs located within a quarter mile of each of three transit facility types 15 CEQA Threshold Any decrease in % of units or employment within a ¼ mile of Level 1 or 2 Transit Facility* * Gold Line Station or bus route with service every 15 minutes or less.

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Metric Proximity and Quality of Pedestrian Environment Description The Pedestrian Accessibility Score within each TAZ. The Pedestrian Accessibility Score uses the mix of destinations, and a network-based walk shed to evaluate walkability. 16 CEQA Threshold Any decrease in Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility Score* * The number of different land use types (destinations) within a five minute walk

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 17 Planning Commission Actions Motion Passed Supporting the Three Proximity Bases Performance Measures: Any decrease in the percentage of units or employment within a ¼ mile of a Level 1 or 2 Bike Facility Any decrease in the percentage of units or employment within a ¼ mile of a Level 1 or 2 Transit Facility Any decrease in the Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility Score

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 18 Planning Commission Actions Motions Passed Supporting: CEQA Thresholds of Auto LOS D Citywide and LOS E in TOD Areas Modified Street Segment Analysis: all street types and land uses as a CEQA Threshold Motions Passed Opposing: VMT and VT per Capita as CEQA Thresholds

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 19 Transportation Advisory Commission Actions Motion Passed Supporting all Six Proposed Transportation Performance Measures and CEQA Thresholds Motion Passed Recommending the Addition of Colorado Blvd. High Quality Transit Corridor as an Infill Opportunity Zone.

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 20 Municipal Services Committee Actions Motion Passed Supporting Vehicle Miles Traveled and Vehicle Trips per Capita Measures and CEQA Thresholds Support for the Bicycle, Transit and Pedestrian Proximity Measures and CEQA Thresholds Accept that Auto Level of Service (LOS) and Street Segment Analysis will no longer have CEQA Thresholds and directed staff to develop a process by which LOS and Street Segment analysis would be applied to large development projects for purposes of applying standard conditions of approval to address identified effects

Department of Transportation SB 743 – CEQA Changes to LOS SB 743 was signed into law in September 2013 Eliminates the use of Auto delay as defined by LOS (capacity or congestion) for evaluating transportation impacts in Transit Priority Areas and Infill Opportunity Zones Allows cities to adopt Infill Opportunity Zones SB 743 requires the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to identify an alternative method for evaluating transportation impacts The method must “promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks, and a diversity of land uses” 21

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 22 On August 6, 2014 the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) released a Preliminary Discussion Draft of Updates to CEQA Guidelines Implementing SB 743 The report recommends amendments to the CEQA Guidelines to replace the Level of Service (LOS), auto delay based standard with a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in order to align CEQA analysis more closely with other state goals, most notably the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals contained in the state’s climate change law, AB 32.

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 23 The OPR report proposes the following amendments to the CEQA Guidelines: Eliminate Level of Service (LOS)/Delay as a CEQA Impact Proposes use of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Metric for CEQA Transportation Analysis Continued Analysis of Impacts Resulting from Transportation, such as Noise, Air Quality and Safety Required assessment of growth inducing impacts of roadway expansion Applies to CEQA Only and Does Not Preclude Addressing Traffic Congestion in Local General Plan Policies, Zoning Codes, Conditions of Approval, Thresholds, or Fee Programs Addresses Phase-in of New Guidelines

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 24 SB 743 did not authorize OPR to set thresholds, but did direct OPR to develop Guidelines for determining the significance of transportation impacts of projects. OPR recommends that a project that results in vehicle miles traveled that is greater than the regional average might be considered to have a significant impact. Average in this case would be measured using an efficiency metric such as per capita, per employee, etc.

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures OPR has proposed the following phase-in of the New CEQA Guidelines: The standards will not be retroactive:  Approved projects will be subject to mitigations exacted under the old standard The new standards will only apply to Transit Priority Areas Local governments may apply the standard to other areas on an “opt-in” basis at first The new standards will apply statewide as of January 1,

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Transit Priority Areas “Transit Priority Area” means an area within one-half mile of a major transit stop that is existing or planned “Major transit stop” includes rail transit stations, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with frequencies of service intervals of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods According to OPR, planned major transit stops contained in a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) comply with the definition above for transit priority areas 26

Department of Transportation SB 743 Transit Priority Areas 27

Department of Transportation SB 743 High Quality Transit Corridor 28

Department of Transportation Modified Performance Measures Two existing measures replaced in CEQA  Auto Level of Service  Street Segment Analysis Continue to include in Transportation Study Guidelines for Project Review  Consistent with provisions of SB 743 Modified to be consistent with General Plan goals and Mobility Element objectives Methodology updated to current standard 29

Department of Transportation Modified Intersection LOS Analysis Applied to Projects of Communitywide Significance  50,000 Square Feet and/or 50 Dwelling Units LOS Methodology updated to current standard  Defined by 2010 Highway Capacity Manual  Uses intersection control delay to evaluate auto congestion Measured for compliance with intersection LOS caps by location  LOS D outside TOD zones  LOS E inside TOD zones 30

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 31 Signalized Intersections Citywide – LOS D Cap TOD Areas – LOS E Cap

Department of Transportation Modified Street Segment Analysis Response to Planning Commission and TAC support for a modified Street Segment Analysis  Focused on neighborhood protection Applied to Projects of Communitywide Significance  50,000 Square Feet and/or 50 Dwelling Units Analysis would be limited to “Access” and “Neighborhood Connector” street types within a residential context Project approval conditions would be imposed on developments based on a “Percentage net increase of project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) over Existing ADT” 32

Department of Transportation Modified Street Segment Analysis Conditions of Approval - develop and implement a targeted complete streets plan with input from the affected residents, council districts and Transportation Department Plan elements would discourage use of residential streets to-and-from the project site consistent with established Neighborhood Traffic Management Program guidelines 33

Department of Transportation Modified Street Segment Analysis Possible measures for Conditions of Approval: Project specific measures: Establish a more aggressive AVO target than TRO Project turn-restrictions Revised project access and circulation Complete Streets measures Curb Extensions Pedestrian and Bike Traffic signal upgrades/enhancements Turn-restrictions Neighborhood Gateways (raised medians) Traffic circles Speed humps Signal metering 34

Department of Transportation Pasadena Street Types Plan 35

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 36 Implementation of the New Measures Begin General Plan EIR Analysis with New Thresholds Revise DOT Transportation Review Guidelines Stakeholder Outreach on Revised Guidelines TAC Review of Revised Guidelines – Dec. 4, 2014 New Guidelines Take Effect – Dec. 5, 2015

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Recommendation: 1. Find that:  the adoption of New Transportation Performance Measures and Thresholds of Significance for CEQA is not a “project” pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines Sections (c)(3) and 15378;  the thresholds are promulgated pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section ;  the thresholds have been formally subjected to a public review process; and  the thresholds are supported by substantial evidence as summarized herein; and 2.Adopt a resolution replacing two existing Transportation Performance Measures with five new Transportation Performance Measures and Set Thresholds of Significance for CEQA for the new measures. 37

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 38

Department of Transportation Project Approval Pipeline 39 Thresholds apply to: Any new projects which have Not signed a MOU to prepare a traffic study AND/OR Not been deemed complete. Approved by the City Council February 10, 2014

Department of Transportation Modified Street Segment Analysis 40 Comparison of Existing and Modified Street Segment Analysis Existing Street Segment AnalysisModified Street Segment Analysis CEQA Threshold at >4.9% increase in ADT 8% to 10% above 1500 ADT with a minimum of 150 for ADT <=1500 Applied to Commercial and Residential Projects Applied only to Projects of Communitywide Significance Applied on All Street TypesApplied on “Access” and “Neigh. Con.” with Residential Context No Minimum ADT IncreaseMinimum of 150 ADT Increase Required Measures No Longer Adequate as CEQA Mitigations Traffic Intrusion into residential areas addressed with NTMP Traffic Calming Measures

Department of Transportation Case Studies Projects with Completed CEQA Documents Three Different Types of Projects Different Areas of the City Findings  Existing LOS metric not demonstrably more sensitive than VMT/Capita and VT/Capita 41

Department of Transportation Case Study 1 42 Existing Metrics LOS 15 Ints. Studied – No Impacts 12 Segs. Analyzed – 2 impacted 880 E Colorado Blvd. Mixed Use TOD 156-room hotel 14,000 SF retail 8,000 SF personal srvcs 38,000 SF restaurant 103,000 SF office space 5 residential units Exist + Proj Proj. Incr

Department of Transportation Case Study N. Fair Oaks Ave. Office development 19,000 SF of office space Existing Metrics LOS 6 Ints. Analyzed – 0 Impacts 1 Seg. Analyzed – 0 Impact Exist + Proj Proj. Incr

Department of Transportation Case Study S Sierra Madre Blvd. Residential Mixed-Use TOD 60 multifamily Units Existing Metrics 6 Ints Analyzed – 0 Impacts 3 Segs. Analyzed – 0 Impacts due to site access modification Exist + Proj Proj. Incr

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 45 The Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per Capita measure sums the miles traveled for trips within the City of Pasadena citywide model. The Citywide VMT is calculated by adding: 1)100% of VMT associated with trips traveling within the City of Pasadena boundaries that are generated or attracted by the City 2)50% of VMT associated with trips with an end or origin outside of the City. The City’s VMT is then divided by the City’s total service population, defined as the population plus the number of jobs.

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 46 StreetProject Increase Segmentto Trigger Impact ADTCurrentModified , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 47 The OPR report offers guidance in setting the size of the area to be analyzed when calculating VMT per Capita: “The area of analysis should be chosen to capture the full VMT effects of the project; it should avoid truncating the analysis.” “The area chosen for analysis should cover the full area over which the project affects travel behavior.” “…a lead agency generally should not confine its evaluation to its own political boundary.”

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 48 Specific Plan Buffer Area

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 49 Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Buffer Area Around Case Study Projects

Department of Transportation New Performance Measures 50 Half Mile Buffer Area Around Case Study Projects

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 51

Department of Transportation 52 Existing Intersection LOS Thresholds

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 53 All Signalized Intersections Citywide 330 High Pedestrian Activity Areas and Existing TOD Areas

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 54 Signalized Intersections Subject to Policy Based No CEQA Threshold 224 (68% of All Signals) Originally Proposed High Pedestrian Activity Areas

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 55 Signalized Intersections Subject to No CEQA Threshold per SB (48% of All Signals) ½ Mile Radii Around Gold Line Stations

Department of Transportation 158, 168 & 188 S. Sierra Madre Blvd- Town and Country Site Revised site plan eliminated project access for 158 S. Sierra Madre Blvd from Oswego Street, with 350 daily vehicles, and directed its traffic onto Sierra Madre Blvd

Department of Transportation Access for 158 S. Sierra Madre Blvd Project Original Site Plan Original Site Plan 57

Department of Transportation Revised Site Plan- Access for both 158 & 168 S. Sierra Madre Blvd Revised Site Plan 58

Department of Transportation Del Mar Bl Conceptual Drawing 59

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 60

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures Auto Corridor Travel Time Measure Removed from the list of recommended transportation measures and CEQA Threshold While this measure, from a technical standpoint, is functional at the General Plan level and can provide insights into the aggregate effect of development on travel times staff was not able to identify substantial technical evidence for establishing a threshold of significance to the extent required by the CEQA Guidelines 61

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 62

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 63 Policy Based LOS Thresholds LOS may conflict with other community values reflect in General Plan Policies including: Creating pleasant and safe walking and bicycle environments Developing well utilized public transportation systems A vision for infill development LOS not the best metric to demonstrate that a project is consistent with the general plan The impact analysis will often ignore the effects on pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and green-house gases.

Department of Transportation Transportation Performance Measures 64 California Cities with Policy Based LOS Thresholds San Jose Sacramento Roseville Walnut Creek El Dorado County Yolo County Davis Citrus Heights Emeryville El Cerrito (San Pablo Avenue corridor) – LOS as an advisory measure, not a requirement

Department of Transportation Community Workshop Comments Support for measures which will result in improved bicycle, transit and pedestrian facilities High Pedestrian Activity Area map should include Pasadena City College and Cal Tech campuses The definition of Level 1 and 2 Bike Facilities (bike lanes) should related to “low stress” facilities on the City’s Bike Stress Map 65

Department of Transportation Street Segment Analysis 66 Pros Identifies changes to vehicle volumes on all streets including residential streets. Cons No minimum threshold for street Average Daily Traffic (ADT) to establish impacts. Impact tied to a percentage increase in traffic resulting in small increases in traffic triggering impacts on streets with low ADTs. Does not accurately reflect perceptible changes to traffic volume on street with low ADT Metric is not consistent with the land use densities identified in the adopted General Plan and can cause project alternatives at densities lower than adopted General Plan land use. Forces projects to place new driveways on streets with higher vehicular traffic and pedestrian and bike volumes. Introductions of new driveways negatively impacts pedestrian and bicycle environments, and increases congestion on major travel corridors leading to potential cut- through traffic on residential streets. Mitigation measures proposed in 2005 for Street Segment impacts are no longer adequate under current CEQA Guidelines. Segment metric and impact threshold applies to both residential and commercial projects. Trips associated with residential projects in residential neighborhoods are not cut through traffic per se.

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