ANNUAL NOTICES for EMPLOYEES Prepared by the Division of Personnel Services
Americans with Disabilities Act (pp. 2-4) Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers have a duty to reasonably accommodate qualified employees and job applicants with known disabilities. Reasonable accommodations mean that the employer may have to modify the work environment, or make adjustments to how and when the job is performed. The Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, is designated the ADA Coordinator to facilitate efforts to comply with ADA and to investigate complaints.
Drug Free Workplace (pp. 5-6) All employees and students are entitled to work and receive an education in an environment that is drug and substance free. (Public Law , 41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.) The Board of Education recognizes the hazards of tobacco and establishes this policy to discourage its use by all individuals. The use of tobacco products is prohibited anywhere and anytime on District property or in District vehicles.
Equal Opportunity Non Discrimination (pp. 7-10) All employees are expected to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is free from discriminatory statements or conduct. To report a complaint, notify the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits discriminatory behavior on behalf of employees. United States Federal Law protects employees of state and local governments, and education institutions against discrimination.
Family Care Leave (p. 11) Legislation through the California Family Rights Act of 1991 and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 provides for family care leave. All eligible employees shall be entitled up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave during a twelve (12) month period to care for: A newborn child; A child who is adopted/foster care; A spouse, child, or parent, including parent-in-law, with a serious health condition; or An employee’s serious health condition.
HIPAA Privacy Act (p. 13) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI) only for certain activities, unless you give specific authorization to do otherwise. Personnel Services remains committed to protecting your PHI.
Public Employee Disaster Service Worker Status (pp ) Disaster service means all activities authorized by and carried out pursuant to the California Emergency Services Act. You are assigned to disaster service activities by your superior or by law to assist the agency in carrying out its responsibilities during times of disaster. All public employees take and subscribe to the affirmation set forth in the California Constitution that declares them to be disaster service workers in time of need.
Rules and Regulations For Use Of Electronic Information Resources (pp ) Employees are to accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network to the site administrator District Policy, section Acceptable Use Rules lists actions that are unacceptable. All students must sign this as a part of their registration process. No expectation of privacy. The Network Etiquette and Privacy (NEP) asks employees to abide by acceptable rules of network etiquette. They can be summed up in the following two words: BE POLITE.
Safety and Health Protection/Code of Safe Practices (pp ) The employee safety program is designed to create a work environment characterized by the following: –Detect, communicate and identify potential hazards to be eliminated. TUSD policy states that everything possible will be done to protect employees, students, volunteers and visitors from injuries and illnesses. Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring participation by every employee. There are over 35 precautions that include: solutions, cords, stacking, fire safety and horseplay.
Sexual Harassment (pp ) Sexual harassment of or by any employee shall not be tolerated. Pursuant to Education Code 212.5, unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature constitute sexual harassment. Employees placed on notice by their co-employee directly or through the supervisor that conduct of a sexual nature is unwelcome shall cease such conduct immediately. Sexual harassment shall be reported to the immediate supervisor. Employees need to read #’s 5 and 6! IMPORTANT
Suspected Child Abuse (pp ) You have a DUTY to report! –Certificated and classified employees shall report known or suspected child abuse to a child protective agency by telephone immediately or as soon a possible and in writing within 36 HOURS. (PC 11166) Mandated Reporters are those people defined by law as “child care custodians”, “health practitioners”, child visitation monitors”, and “employees of child protective agency”. Reasonable Suspicion means that it is objectively reasonable for a person to entertain such a suspicion based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like position to suspect child abuse.
Uniform Complaint Policy (pp ) NEW TUSD POLICY TUSD Compliance Officer: Director of Assessment and Evaluation. The District follows uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, natural origin, color, or mental or physical disability in any program or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. Uniform complaint procedures shall also be used when addressing complaints alleging failure to comply with state and/or federal laws in adult education, consolidated categorical aid programs, vocational education, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs and special education programs.
Universal Precautions (pp ) What are standard precautions? –Hand washing –Using gloves –Careful trash disposal –Using disinfectants with caution –Modification of CPR Policies and Laws –The law states that the information regarding HIV/AIDS status requires written permission. The information may only be shared with persons specifically named.
Workers’ Compensation Covered Employee Notification of Rights Materials (pp ) You are important to US –A safe working environment is our number one priority. However, should you become injured or ill as a result of your job, we want to ensure you receive prompt quality medical treatment. –Our goal is to assist you in making a full recovery and returning to work on your job as soon as possible. NOTIFY your employer immediately of any work related injury or illness.
CFU 1.Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring ____by every employee? PARTICIPATION 2.Sexual harassment shall be reported to _______. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR 3.School employees have a Duty to Report within ____hours of known or suspect child abuse Who is the District Compliance Officer? DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION 5.Hand washing, using gloves and careful trash disposal are considered ____________. UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS 6.Notify your employer if you should experience a work related _______or_________. ILLNESS OR INJURY
CFU 7.ADA means _____ with ______ ______, not Average Daily Attendance for this training. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 8.A _________ _________ work place is essential to maintaining the safety and efficiency of school and District operations. DRUG FREE 9.Both the State and Federal Governments protect employees against ____________. DISCRIMINATION 10.Eligible employees shall be entitled to up to ________ weeks of FMLA. 12 WEEKS 11.________ act protects your personal health information. HIPAA 12.Public employees serve as disaster service __________(s) in emergency situations. WORKERS 13.Emily Post, the Queen of Etiquette, would agree with our NEP basic rule: __ ______. BE POLITE