EMODNet Chemistry Steering Committee 20-21 January 2014 Rome Giordano Giorgi


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Presentation transcript:

EMODNet Chemistry Steering Committee January 2014 Rome Giordano Giorgi

Requirements of Art of MSFD Member States shall provide the Commission with access and use rights in respect of data and information resulting from the initial assessments made pursuant to Article 8 and from the monitoring programmes established pursuant to Article 11. Art context MSFD assessments under Article 8 are needed to assess the progress towards achieving Good Environmental Status (GES) and to assess progress with environmental targets. These assessments are typically based on characteristics, related to the 11 Descriptors of GES, their associated criteria or indicators The indicators and assessments are in turn dependent upon data

MSFD coherence and consistency Member States need to achieve coherence and consistency within and between the MSFD regions and subregions Consistency in the data used for indicators and assessments will be a key element in achieving overall coherence in delivery of the directive Coherence in data will help lead to consistent outcomes for the assessments of environmental status

Identifying a prioritized list of data sets for 2018 Contaminants, Nutrients Define a number of data sets that could support indicators and assessments at the regional/sub-regional scale Focus on data for indicators which have a high degree of commonality at subregional, regional or EU levels Establish methods to aggregate the data into subregional, regional or EU level

New Working Group TG Data Accessing data and information according to MSFD Art. 19.3, in the context of WISE-Marine and associated to INSPIRE, EMODnet, and other relevant processes and projects TG Data is also related to activities undertaken in EMODnet projects. Invitations will be extended, when appropriate, to the Marine Observation and Data Expert Group (MODEG) Proposal: develop a MSFD “modelling toolbox” and related data needs for the assessments and future scenario-building by developing or refining indicators and assessment techniques, better understanding of the relationships between pressures and impacts and development of models 1 st meeting: April 2014

QA/QC – Directive 2009/90/EC Methods of analysis Member States shall ensure that all methods of analysis, including laboratory, field and on-line methods, used for the purposes of chemical monitoring programmes carried out under Directive 2000/60/EC are validated and documented in accordance with EN ISO/IEC standard or other equivalent standards accepted at international level.

QA/QC – Directive 2009/90/EC Minimum performance criteria for methods of analysis 1.Member States shall ensure that the minimum performance criteria for all methods of analysis applied are based on an uncertainty of measurement of 50 % or below (k = 2) estimated at the level of relevant environmental quality standards and a limit of quantification equal or below a value of 30 % of the relevant environmental quality standards. 2.In the absence of relevant environmental quality standard for a given parameter, or in the absence of method of analysis meeting the minimum performance criteria set out before, Member States shall ensure that monitoring is carried out using best available techniques not entailing excessive costs.

QA/QC – Directive 2009/90/EC Calculation of mean values 1.Where the amounts of physico-chemical or chemical measurands in a given sample are below the limit of quantification, the measurement results shall be set to half of the value of the limit of quantification concerned for the calculation of mean values. 2.Where a calculated mean value of the measurement results is below the limits of quantification, the value shall be referred to as ‘less than limit of quantification’. 3.P. 1 shall not apply to measurands that are total sums of a given group of physico-chemical parameters or chemical measurands, including their relevant metabolites, degradation and reaction products. In those cases, results below the limit of quantification of the individual substances shall be set to zero.

QA/QC – Directive 2009/90/EC Quality assurance and control 1.Member States shall ensure that laboratories or parties contracted by laboratories demonstrate their competences in analysing relevant physico-chemical or chemical measurands by: (a) participation in proficiency testing programmes covering the methods of analysis, and (b) analysis of available reference materials that are representative of collected samples which contain appropriate levels of concentrations in relation to relevant environmental quality standards

QA/QC – Directive 2009/90/EC Proficiency testing programme 1.ISO/IEC guide 43-1 on proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons - Part 1: Development and operation of proficiency testing schemes provides an appropriate guide. The results of those programmes should be evaluated on the basis of the internationally recognised scoring systems 1.ISO on statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons provides appropriate standards.

Thank You