A-16 Supplemental Guidance Document FGDC Annual Report Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Staff Director FGDC Coordination Group November 4, 2008 Meeting Status Updates
2 Circular A-16 (revised 2002): Purpose Provide for improvements in the coordination and use of spatial data One aspect – describes the management and reporting requirements of Federal agencies in the acquisition, maintenance, distribution, use and preservation of spatial data by the Federal government Interpretation on how to implement this directive has varied across the Federal government Further clarification is necessary to fully execute the intent of the Circular
3 A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Purpose Provide additional clarity and detail to enhance the ability of the Federal agencies to carry out their geospatial data responsibilities as assigned under authority of: Executive Order section 2(a) OMB Circular A-16 section 8(e) Clarify the roles and associated responsibilities of the Federal entities in relation to the management of the A-16 Appendix E data themes of national significance Further define a common framework within which agencies can fulfill these responsibilities Establish a repeatable process for adapting the A-16 Appendix E data themes to address current national and federal priorities Geospatial LoB Lifecycle Management Work Group
4 Significant Effort and Representation DHS DOC-Census DOC-NOAA DoD DOI-BLM DOI-BOR DOI-MMS DOI-USGS DOJ EPA FCC GSA NARA USDA USDA-NRCS Geospatial LoB Lifecycle Management Work Group Lifecycle Management Work Group
5 Executive Summary and Background with high level goals (in development) Roles and Responsibilities pursuant to sections 8(e)(d) and 8(d)(4) of Circular A-16 For Federal agencies involved in geospatial activities Intent – clarify leadership and stewardship roles Lexicon of Geospatial Terminology to clarify section 2(b)(1), section 8 (e)(c), and Appendix D of Circular A-16 Establishes consistent nomenclature across the Federal government Intent – facilitate communication and reduce confusion Geospatial LoB Lifecycle Management Work Group A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Document Outline
6 Geospatial Data Lifecycle Stages pursuant to sections 8(e)(d), 8(e)(f), and 8(e)(g) of Circular A-16 Define, Inventory/Evaluate, Obtain, Access, Maintain, Use/Evaluate, Archive Framework for agencies to use to establish long-term theme and data development plans and processes Intent – improve the management of Federal agency geospatial information assets Geospatial Data Principles as a first step in revising Appendix E of Circular A-16 Criteria used to evaluate data themes for inclusion in Circular A- 16 Appendix E Intent – provide a repeatable process for update Appendix E to address national priorities (Ex.: critical infrastructure) A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Document Outline Geospatial LoB Lifecycle Management Work Group
7 A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Review Stages Draft Document: Oct 24 – Nov 14 Coordination Group NGAC Subcommittee Lifecycle Work Group Members Theme and Data Set Managers USGS State Liaisons Final Draft Document: Nov 24 – Dec 5 Steering Committee Coordination Group NGAC Subcommittee comments Lifecycle Work Group/Adjudication Panel Pre-Endorsement Document: Dec 10 – Dec 15 Steering Committee Geospatial LoB Managing Partner Team
9 Oct 24 – Draft document sent to Coordination Group members Oct 31 – Coordination Group teleconference decisions: Section 1 (Executive Summary) and 3 (Authority and Applicability) removed to further develop Draft document ready for review by NGAC subcommittee (sent 10/31) Nov 3 – NGAC Subcommittee teleconference Document and schedule overview NGAC subcommittee has started review A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Status Geospatial LoB Managing Partner Team
10 Discussion Item Nov 4 - Coordination Group meeting Nov 5 - Executive Committee meeting Nov 18 - Coordination Group discussion meeting (3 hour) Dec 2 - Coordination Group meeting WebEx Discussion Sessions 7 Nov – Federal focus (Intro a.m./Q&A p.m.) 10 Nov – NGAC discussion (tentative reschedule) 12 Nov – Federal focus (Overview/Q&A a.m.) A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Venues Geospatial LoB Managing Partner Team
11 Lew Sanford FGDC Secretariat Geospatial LoB Managing Partner Team A-16 Supplemental Guidance: POC
12 FGDC 2008 Annual Report Theme: Wildfire Thank you for your responses and comments In publishing 10/30/08 Available 11/18/08 54 Pages Reordered some sections
13 FY 07 Annual Report: Contents Message from the Chair Message from Staff Director Executive of the Year FY08 Highlights Wildfire FGDC: Leading the Development of Integrated Geospatial Capabilities NGAC Formed FGDC 09 Goals Appendix A: FGDC Leadership Profiles Executive Committee (with Bios) Appendix B: FGDC Structure and Membership Appendix C: NSDI Data Themes Relationships between: A-16, Framework, NSDI, tie- in to Geospatial LoB Status of NSDI Framework Data Themes Status of NSDI Data Themes Red text signifies changes based on comments
14 Thank You Questions? Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Staff Director