State of the District Performance and Curriculum November 17, 2014
School Performance Profile Seneca WAMS WAEC
Achievement - Seneca
Growth - Seneca
Achievement - WAMS
Growth - WAMS
Achievement - WAEC
Growth - WAEC
Achievement vs. Growth Math scores WAMS WAEC Wattsburg Corry Fort LeBoeuf Harbor Creek North East
Achievement vs. Growth Reading scores WAEC WAMS
Year to date Revised math course sequence Middle school math pacing guides Next steps New curriculum mapping tool Math curriculum revision Math materials Assessment of current practices in curriculum and instruction (all subjects) Curriculum Updates
PA has mandated the new Educator Effectiveness system as our evaluation tool. Principals Supervisors Teachers Counselors Support Staff Staff evaluation
Teachers of PVAAS-eligible content
Teachers of non-PVAAS content
Non-Teaching Professional Employees
Observation/ Practice Framework for Leadership Domains Strategic/Cultural Leadership Systems Leadership Leadership for Learning Professional and Community Leadership Building Level Data/School Performance Profile Indicators of Academic Achievement Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, All Students Indicators of Closing the Achievement Gap, Historically Underperforming Students Academic Growth PVAAS Other Academic Indicators Extra Credit for Advanced Achievement Correlation Data/Relationship Based on Teacher Level Measures Elective Data/Student Learning Objectives District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements Principal Effectiveness System in Act 82 of June 26, 2014
1.All learners will show growth every year in all subjects. 2.Update curriculum. 3.Update instructional strategies. Priorities
Great things are in store…