Expanding the Use of Project Controls “SECTION 17. Section 39 of said chapter 6C, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection:- (c) The Administrator shall establish within the Division an internal project controls unit to oversee all statewide program projects in line with the department’s performance and asset management system. The Administrator shall establish and implement project controls to ensure that projects carried out pursuant to this chapter shall be completed in the most efficient possible manner. The internal project controls unit shall be subject to section 29A of chapter 29.”
October 2013 Highway – Fiscal Responsibility 4 State Fiscal Year Data includes both Pre-MassDOT and Post-MassDOT contracts
ACEC – 21JAN14 6 Data includes both Pre-MassDOT and Post-MassDOT contracts State Fiscal Year
ACEC – 21JAN14
New Requirements: Development of Contract Time Determination Schedules Bottom Up Estimate for Lump Sum Items Development of Incentive/Disincentive Clauses
Link to project management home page
Link to Project Controls Toolkit
ACEC – 21JAN14 Construction Contract Time Determination CCTD Toolkit: Includes guidance on how to develop a CCTD Attach A: Calendars and Seasonal Restrictions Attach B: Guidance concerning approval to waive non-work periods Attach C: Sample Special Provisions for Prosecution of Work Attach D: Sample Special provisions for Railroad Operations Attach E: Incentive/Disincentive Checklist Attach F: Sample 25% Durations Estimation Attach G: Sample 75% CCTD Development Attach H: CCTD Checklist
ACEC – 21JAN14
CCTD Toolkit: Includes guidance on how to develop a CCTD Attach A: Calendars and Seasonal Restrictions Attach B: Guidance concerning approval to waive non-work periods Attach C: Sample Special Provisions for Prosecution of Work Attach D: Sample Special provisions for Railroad Operations Attach E: Incentive/Disincentive Checklist Attach F: Sample 25% Durations Estimation Attach G: Sample 75% CCTD Development Attach H: CCTD Checklist
ACEC – 21JAN14 Bottom Up Estimate Toolkit:
ACEC – 21JAN14
Incentive/Disincentives Guidance (Also include in CCTD Toolkit) New Engineering Directive Incentive/Disincentive Checklist At 25% if the project is a candidate for I/Ds, then when you complete the CAPE you use Item Incentive and include an amount that is equal to 5% of the project estimate. You must also include Item Disincentive, which has a $0.00 value. At 75% and beyond designer must complete: I/D Calculation Sheet Example
ACEC – 21JAN14 Attach C:Attach C: Sample Special Provisions for Prosecution of Work Attach DAttach D: Sample Special provisions for Railroad Operations
ACEC – 21JAN14 One Version of Scope and Work Hour Forms: Description of Standard Tasks and Revised Scope and Workhour Forms Enhanced Invoice Narrative: Payment Processing Guidance Invoice Template Updated Design Schedules: Currently working on revised design schedules for bridge.
Link to Scope of Services Page
Link to Design Schedule Templates
ACEC – 21JAN14 Update Distribution Chart and ChecklistsDistribution Chart and Checklists SEE HANDOUT
ACEC – 21JAN14 Project Controls Contacts: General Information: Victoria Sheehan, Manager of Strategic Planning and Highway Performance Tel: Accelerated Bridge Program Controls: Robert Gearheart, Manager of ABP Project Controls Tel: Training and Sample Documentation: Matt Poirier, Project Controls Unit Tel:
ACEC – 21JAN14 Contact for Bridge Contracts: New Master Agreement Contracts: Mike Bastoni Tel: Design Contracts: Mike PapadopoulosTel: Inspection/Rating Contracts: Mike BloukosTel: Invoices: Victoria SwansonTel: Dellren Lindsey Tel: