Welcome! Secondary Professional School Counselors’ Support Services Meeting February 19, 2015 Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Agenda Ethics Updates Comprehensive Guidance Program – evaluation and data collection College & Career Readiness Counseling Career Inventories TxVSN CTE – What Counselor’s Need to Know Networking Reminders Upcoming Events Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Ethics You can't practice risk free - no matter what we do there is risk Who sets the standards? What one word will keep you out of trouble? What do they entail? 5 moral principles for ethical decision making Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Updates HB5 (need to change using this terminology since in a new legislative session) required forms at bottom of HB5 page -endorsement opt out and locally developed course request PGPs for students in cy 10th-12th encouraged but not required Academic Achievement Record TEKS changes HS Math for the year - look at prerequisites K-12 Fine Arts for the year – middle school changes - dance added, TEKS by rigor not grade level for middle school (ms 1, 2, 3) HS more options within the disciplines CTE TEKS under review currently year 2-phase adoption expected this spring and summer 2 new HS math courses - Statistics & Algebraic Reasoning for year up next for review: Personal financial literacy elective course; ELAR & SLAR Advocacy and timing at the state level to bring attention to school counselors last legislative session - changed all terms to one - professional school counselor. Several bills introduced for current legislative session - Need greater advocacy at state level for counselors - administrators advocate for local control regarding amount of time spent on duties and allocation of funds - overpowers proposed bills. HB information on HS diplomas - remove requirement to include endorsements, distinguished level achievement and performance acknowledgements from diploma (not transcript) if passed would have an effective date for the 14/15 year...timeline will be tight... Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Updates Changes to Apply Texas Authorizations - FAFSA MOU - Changes to Apply Texas Authorizations - FAFSA MOU In order for local education agencies (LEAs) to be or continue to be eligible to receive their student’s FAFSA data, the district must enter into a FAFSA Completion Initiative Participation Agreement for Texas Public Secondary Education Entities (“Agreement”) with the THECB, signifying its careful management of access to the data and protection of it in accordance with FERPA. A copy of the required Agreement, signed by THECB, is attached. Districts (or SEEs) must complete and return the Agreement by: - Entering the contact information for the district’s Lead Administrator or Counselor in Section 6.0 (S), - Entering the Texas Public Secondary Education Entity name and 6-digit TEA district number in the heading of the Signatures table in Section 7.0, along with the superintendent name, title and date, - Signing the agreement on page 11, and - Scanning and ing the Agreement to the THECB. The signed Agreement should then be sent to the attention of Jane Caldwell, Director of Student Support, by no later than 5:00, p.m., February 27, Districts failing to submit the MOUs by this date will be denied access to the data until they have completed and submitted the document. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation is a critical component of a developmental guidance and counseling program and ensures accountability. The purpose of evaluation is to determine the value of the program, its activities, and staff in order to make decisions or to take actions regarding the future. The evaluation will measure the delivery of services (the process evaluation) and outcomes (product evaluation). This ongoing process provides information to ensure continuous improvement of the guidance program and gives direction to necessary changes. 1. How effective have the program improvements been? 2. Does the program meet the program standards? 3. Have students become competent in the high priority content areas? 4. How well are counselors performing their roles? Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation Guidance Document 1. How effective have the program improvements been? Program improvement identifies the objectives and strategies to be accomplished through implementation of a list of tasks within an expressed time line. It provides a basis for determining whether the objectives and the time lines were met. Further, it supports judgments as to the effectiveness of the improvements in attaining goals and provides the basis for the next set of program improvements. As a result of designing program improvements, new expectations for counselor performance emerge. These expectations form the basis for the setting of professional growth goals by school counselors. Similar to program improvement plans, professional growth plans establish the objectives for developing specific skills or knowledge, identify the strategies for attaining the objectives, and specify the time lines. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation Guidance Document 2. Does the program meet the program standards? A fully implemented and supported guidance and counseling program will have a measurable impact on students, parents, faculty, and the school climate. Because the evaluation is based on explicitly stated standards, data collection and analysis will describe the level of implementation of the program, the effectiveness of the guidance program, and the level of goal attainment. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation Guidance Document 3. Have students become competent in the high priority content areas? Evaluating student competency development in a guidance program is critical to keeping the program efforts on target and efficient while simultaneously making the best use of the resources available. Effective evaluation must be carefully planned to include needs assessment and development of goals, targeting competencies, specifying expected results by grade level and setting objectives for specific activities. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance Document Evaluation Guidance Document 4. How well are counselors performing their roles? Because the quality of the guidance program is inextricably linked with the performance of the school counselor, counselor performance evaluation is critical to the improvement and maintenance of the developmental guidance and counseling program. The developmental guidance and counseling program framework also includes standards for the counselor’s job performance, expressed in the responsibilities of the professional school counselor and in each counselor’s specific job description in the local program. Using the counselor’s job description as a guide, a relevant performance evaluation system and instrument can be used. School counselors should be appropriately supervised. Whenever possible, evaluations of school counselors’ performance should be the responsibility of certified counselors or someone specifically trained in school counselor supervision and evaluation. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comprehensive Guidance Program Data collection related to the comprehensive guidance program: Track minutes spent Judson ISD Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
College & Career Readiness Counseling videos.aspx videos.aspx _MS_Counselor_Guide_WEB_ pdf _MS_Counselor_Guide_WEB_ pdf _HS_Counselor_Guide_web.pdf _HS_Counselor_Guide_web.pdf B_ pdf?affiliateId=noscahero&bannerId=resources B_ pdf?affiliateId=noscahero&bannerId=resources Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Career Inventories Student Interest Inventory Student Interest Inventory /Career%20Cluster%20Activity%20Pages%20for%20K-2.pdf /Career%20Cluster%20Activity%20Pages%20for%20K-2.pdf Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
TxVSN Presentation Laura I. Hodges, MA, LPC-S, NCC, ACS Counselor Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) office fax Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
What Counselors Need to Know about CTE Joye Beard, Ph.D. CTE Specialist Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
CTE’s Role in Career Guidance Tea Party Activity Step One: Read the concern to yourself a few times. Think about the kinds of connections you can make about what you read. Step Two: Move around the room and read your concern to others. When you pair up, take turns reading. Next, discuss your concern. What are some solutions you’ve been working on at your district that you can share? Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Continuum of Personalized & Applied Learning Elementary Middle SchoolHigh School Career Education Career Exploration Career Preparation What kinds of structures support school and out-of-school learning opportunities? Counselors must advise elementary and middle school students and parents of the importance of postsecondary education. Counselors must annually provide information about postsecondary education, including advantages of earning an endorsement, performance acknowledgment, and distinguished level of achievement to the student and parent. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Supporting a Comprehensive Counseling & Guidance System System Framework Individual Student Planning Guidance Curriculum Responsive Services System Supports Research shows that comprehensive counseling and guidance systems result in students: having access to more college and career information, being more purposeful in their course selections, reaching higher levels of academic achievement, and feeling that their education has better prepared them for their future. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Preparing Students Personal Graduation Plans Individualized Education Program (IEP) Career Coaching Electronic Portfolios CTE Student Organizations Work Experience Opportunities Individual Student Planning Postsecondary Readiness and Personal Graduation Plans Understanding the Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Special Education Services and § Graduation Requirements. Keeping track of Performance Acknowledgement for diplomas and transcripts. Ensuring the appropriate students enroll in a College Preparatory Course Students meeting all required prerequisites prior to course enrollment Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Personal Graduation Plans Districts must publish information on the FHSP and Endorsements on their website and ensure it is available to students and parents in grades 9 and above in the language in which they are most proficient. State documents will be available in English and Spanish. District must provide translation to other languages only if at least 20 students in a grade level primarily speak a different language. HS PGP 8 th graders and parents informed/pick endorsement HS PGP confirmed & signed by the end of 9 th grade year If Endorsement changes-notify parents in writing If Endorsement is dropped at end of 10 th - parents notified in writing The PGP Process Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Plans Already in Place The U.S. Department of Education identified these 16 national clusters in Career Clusters The 2006 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act requires no less than three CTE programs of study in three different career clusters. To be eligible for CTE contact hour funding, a district MUST offer at least one coherent sequence of courses in at least three different career clusters. Programs of Study* New graduation plan for students entering ninth grade in FSHP & Endorsements Guidance Curriculum *Districts & charters must join an SSA to apply for Perkins funding if they enroll fewer than ten/five students in coherent sequences of CTE courses even if even if the LEA is eligible for a Perkins allocation equal to or greater than $15,000. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Required Uses of Perkins Funds Integrate academics with CTE programs using a coherent sequence of courses Link CTE at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry. Develop, improve, or expand the use of technology in CTE programs. Provide professional development programs to teachers, faculty, administrators, and career guidance and academic counselors who are involved in integrating CTE programs. Develop and implement evaluations of the CTE programs carried out with funds, including an assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met. Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality CTE programs, including relevant technology. Provide services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective. Provide activities to prepare special populations for high- skill, high-wage, or high- demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
CTE Accountability Carl Perkins Eligible recipients that meet or exceed the state level of performance for at least four out of five performance measures are eligible for an additional allocation (the incentive award). Academic Attainment (ELA) Academic Attainment (Math) Technical Skills Attainment Secondary School Completion Student Graduation Rates Secondary Placement Nontraditional Participation Nontraditional Completion Performance-Based Monitoring The PBM system reflects the use of integrated interventions based on LEA performance as evidenced by the PBMAS indicators. CTE STAAR EOC Passing Rate CTE LEP STAAR EOC Passing Rate CTE Economically Disadvantaged STAAR EOC Passing Rate CTE SPED STAAR EOC Passing Rate CTE Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 9-12) CTE RHSP/DAP Diploma Rate CTE Graduation Rate CTE Nontraditional Course Completion Rate-Males CTE Nontraditional Course Completion Rate-Females Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
PEIMS Reporting Effective Report the number of students who were: Enrolled in Foundation High School Program Pursuing Distinguished Level of Achievement Enrolled in a program to earn an endorsement Information disaggregated by all student groups Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Responsibilities for CTE Courses Districts must encourage to the greatest extent possible that students in CTE programs enroll in dual credit courses that lead to a degree, license, or certification. Dual-Credit for CTE Students The SBOE will ensure that at least 50% of the CTE courses they approve are cost- effective for districts. Cost-Effective Programs The SBOE will ensure that at least six advanced CTE or technology application courses, including personal financial literacy, are approved to satisfy a fourth credit in math. New CTE Math ( ) CTE certification exams for certifications no longer have to be in high-demand, high-wage, high-skill occupations. Certifications & Licenses Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
CTE Math for FHSP Mathematics--three credits. Two credits must consist of Algebra I and Geometry. The third credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half credits from two different courses. Courses are subject to prerequisite requirements and must come from the following list: Third Math Course List Mathematical Models with ApplicationsAP Calculus BC Mathematical Applications in AFNR (CTE – AFNR)AP Computer Science (Tech App) Digital Electronics (CTE – STEM)IB Mathematical Studies Standard Level (SL) Robotics Programming and Design (Tech App)IB Mathematics SL Algebra IIIB Mathematics Higher Level HL PrecalculusIB Further Mathematics HL Advanced Quantitative ReasoningEngineering Mathematics (CTE – STEM ) Independent Study in MathStatistics and Risk Management (CTE – Finance) Discrete Mathematics for Problem SolvingDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science (Tech App) AP StatisticsLocally developed math course or other activity [pursuant to TEC, §28.002(g-1) AP Calculus ABMathematics course endorsed by an IHE [pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5) Algebraic Reasoning (in development for implementation in ) Statistics (in development for implementation in ) Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
4 th Math Requirement To earn an endorsement a student must complete a 4 th Math. The 4 th credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half credits from two different courses. Again, courses are subject to prerequisite requirements and must come from the following list: Fourth Math Course List Algebra IIAP Computer Science (Tech App) PrecalculusIB Mathematical Studies Standard Level Advanced Quantitative ReasoningIB Mathematics Higher Level Independent Study in MathematicsIB Further Mathematics Higher Level Discrete Mathematics of Problem SolvingEngineering Mathematics (CTE – STEM ) Algebraic ReasoningStatistics and Risk Management (CTE – Finance) StatisticsDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science (Tech App) AP StatisticsLocally developed math course or other activity [pursuant to TEC, §28.002(g-1) AP CalculusMathematics course endorsed by an IHE [pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5) Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Proposed CTE Math Courses for Piping and Plumbing Technology (currently offered) Proposed name change to Plumbing Technology II Course within the Architecture and Construction Cluster that leads to a Business & Industry Endorsement. Applied Mathematics for Technical Professionals Course within Career Development that leads to any endorsement Mathematics for Medical Professionals Course within the Health Science Cluster that leads to a Public Service Endorsement. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Proposed CTE Math Courses for Financial Mathematics Course within the Finance Cluster that leads to a Business & Industry Endorsement. Manufacturing Engineering (currently offered) Proposed name change to Manufacturing Engineering Technology II Course within the Manufacturing Cluster that leads to a Business & Industry Endorsement. Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
CTE Science for FHSP Science-three credits. The first credit must come from Biology, AP Biology or IB Biology. The second credit must be selected from the following laboratory-based options: Second Science Advanced Course List Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC)Physics ChemistryPrinciples of Technology (CTE – STEM) AP ChemistryAP Physics 1: Algebra-Based IB ChemistryIB Physics Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
CTE Science for Endorsement The third (FHSP) or fourth (endorsement) credit may be selected from one full credit or a combination of two half credits from two different courses. Courses may be subject to prerequisite requirements: Third or Fourth Science Advanced Course List ChemistryIB Physics PhysicsIB Environmental Science Aquatic Science Advanced Animal Science (CTE – Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources) Astronomy Advanced Plant and Soil Science (CTE – Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources) Earth and Space ScienceAnatomy and Physiology (CTE Health Science course) Environmental SystemsMedical Microbiology (CTE Health Science course) AP BiologyPathophysiology (CTE Health Science course) AP ChemistryFood Science (CTE – Hospitality and Tourism) AP Physics 1: Algebra-BasedForensic Science (CTE – Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security) AP Physics 2: Algebra-BasedAdvanced Biotechnology (CTE – STEM) AP Physics CPrinciples of Technology (CTE – STEM) AP Environmental ScienceScientific Research & Design (CTE – STEM) IB BiologyEngineering Design & Problem Solving (CTE – STEM) IB ChemistryPrinciples of Engineering (CTE – STEM) Locally developed science course or other activity [pursuant to TEC, § (g-1)] Science course endorsed by an IHE [pursuant to TEC, §28.025(b-5)] Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Helping Students Activities to meet students’ immediate needs when they experience problems that interfere with their success in school. Attainable Goal Setting Administer Career Assessments Peer Coaching Aspiration vs. Performance Responsive Services Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Team Building Allows guidance counselors sufficient time to carry out guidance program management and evaluation work, community collaboration, committee work and required administrative tasks. Those with Strong Connections to CTE Work-Based Learning Facilitators Career Coaches CTE Administrators CTE & Core Teachers Career Development Specialist System Supports Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Skill Centers: The Future of CTE Skill centers are high schools that serve more than one school district and offer industry-defined Career and Technical Education classes. Skill Centers AFNRHospitality & Tourism Health ScienceLaw Enforcement Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Networking Share celebrations What is your main struggle/stressor right now? Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Reminders: Texas Administrative Code Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX – TITLE 19EDUCATION PART 7STATE BOARD FOR EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION CHAPTER 232GENERAL CERTIFICATION PROVISIONS SUBCHAPTER ACERTIFICATE RENEWAL AND CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS RULE §232.11Number and Content of Required Continuing Professional Education Hours Every 5 years on the last day of your birth month Keep track of your CPEs TEAL account access needed
Upcoming Events South Texas Career Expo – JK Northway in Kingsville FREE event – March 6 th Discuss April and May meeting dates Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –
Comments & Questions Stephanie Smith Federal Programs & Counseling Specialist Education Service Center, Region N. Water Street – Corpus Christi, TX –