Kaluga Plant for Transport Machine-Building ОАО Kalugatransmash OAO (abbreviated name) Contacts Director GeneralGennady V. Utyoshev Address:250 Moskovskaya.


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Presentation transcript:

Kaluga Plant for Transport Machine-Building ОАО Kalugatransmash OAO (abbreviated name) Contacts Director GeneralGennady V. Utyoshev Address:250 Moskovskaya St., , Kaluga, Russia Webwww.Kalugatransmash.ru Tel./fax8 (4842)

Company History Kalugatransmash OAO  1901 – Gribchenkovs’ Metal Plant is opened  Early1919 – Kaluga Province Council for People’s Economy took a decision to privatize the plant. Since then, the plant has been controlled by Kaluga Province Council for People’s Economy  On June 21, 1919 – Selmash (Agricultural Machinery) joint management body was established, and Gribchenkovs’ Metal Plant was included in the list of managed assets under number 1 (Selmash No. 1).  In 1934 the plant’s name was changed to the State Union Plant named after Ernst Thälmann, with the plant management reporting directly to the USSR People‘s Commisariat for Machine-Building.  In 1939 due to beginning of the second world war the plant got the name of Plant No. 478 named after Thälmann and became a part of the defense industry.  In 1940 the plant was subordinated to the Ministry of Avation Industry.  In February 1942 the plant was subordinated to the Ministry of Railways. Its new name was Kaluga Cast and Mechanical Equipment Plant named after Thälmann of Transsignalsvyaz.  On August 7, 1943 the plant received a new name – Kaluga Electrical and Technical Plant.  At the end of 1943 the plant was merged with Tula Electric and Mechanical Equipment plant (the principal location of the production facility was Kaluga) in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Railways.  On March 4, 1993 the plant was privatized pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 721 of July 1, 1992 and Plant Order No. 54A of April 9, Its new name was Kaluga Plant for Transport Machine-Building Open Joint-Stock Company (AOOT).  Since May 24, 1996 the company has the following name Kaluga Plant for Transport Machine-Building Open Joint-Stock Company (OAO) pursuant to Federal Law On Joint-Stock Companies No. 208 of January 1, 1996 and updates introduced in the corporate constituent documents on May 24, 1996 (No ). 2

About Kalugatransmash OAO 4 Board of DirectorsShareholders Alexander D.Bashkatov – Chairman of the Board* Gennady V. Utyoshev –. Member of the Board** Veniamin M. Blank – Member of the Board Andrey V.Fedorov– Member of the Board Viktor I.Samoilov– Member of the Board Anna N. Kochko– Member of the Board Igor G.Priymak – Member of the Board Razvitie-Stolitsa Bank, Nominee Uralsib Bank OAO, Nominee Livgidromash-M ZAO

About Kalugatransmash OAO : positive dynamics Employed: 174 Dismissed employees trained and re-trained Average number of employees: 566 Average compensation: RUR 16,078 Company Today Average compensation, RUR Average compensation of timeworkers, RUR Average compensation of jobbers, RUR Average number of employees 590 Number of shops 6

Kalugatransmash OAO Products 7 The plant manufactures the following products for railway track repair and construction:  rail cars  rail boring and rail cutting machines  grinding machines  track wrenches  scarfing machines  jacks  flatters  spike hammers as well as:  electric machines  industrial vibrating machines

Kalugatransmash OAO Financial Performance : positive dynamics Revenue (RUR mln.)529,2827,2 Operating income (RUR mln.)67,580,6 Net profit (RUR mln.) 6,220,6 Product margin1,19 %2,55 % Return on assets1,27 %2,77 % Return on equity1,07 %3,22 % EBITDA (RUR mln.) Current performance 9 months of months of 2012 Revenue (RUR mln.)549,7693,7 Operating income (RUR mln.)37,446,9 Product margin Return on assets Revenue

Geographical Presence Kalugatransmash ОАО 9 Territories where Kalugatrasmash OAO products are used to repair railways and branch lines Territories with high cooperation potential

Potential cooperation areas Kalugatransmash OAO 10 Kalugatransmash OAO is a rapidly developing company. Despite its long history, it grows dynamically, is fully flexible and adaptable to business environment changes and sets ambitious objects. All this helps the company to retain leadership position in the track tool market. We are also well positioned to offer mutually beneficial cooperation in the cast segment. Track tools Steel casting Pig-iron casting Aluminum casting Beneficial cooperation terms and conditions