This is an interactive review of material in Ch. 45
True False
True False
True False
A. Assisted suicide B. Terminal sedation c. Passive euthanasia d. Active euthanasia
A. Assisted suicide B. Terminal sedation c. Passive euthanasia d. Active euthanasia
A. Assisted suicide B. Nonvoluntary euthanasia c. Passive euthanasia d. Active euthanasia
A. Assisted suicide B. Nonvoluntary euthanasia c. Passive euthanasia d. Active euthanasia
True False
True False
Yes No. RCW (2): “A person does not qualify under this chapter solely because of age or disability.
A. Get another consulting physician to agree B. Call the pt’s family to discuss c. Verify the pt is making an informed decision d. Counsel the pt about having another person present
Yes Probably Not. She has not established WA state residency yet.