Computerization of Electoral Rolls Election Commission of India, New Delhi
WHAT IS AN ELECTORAL ROLL Electoral Registers or Electoral Rolls are prepared under the provisions of Representation of People Act, 1950 and Registration of Electors Rules, 1960. Electoral Roll or voter list is – A basic document of electoral process When a notification for electing a member of legislature or parliament is issued it means calling upon the persons who are enrolled as electors is electoral roll. An accurate and defect free roll is first requisite for a free and fair election. Accurate roll ensures that while all eligible electors are included in roll, all ineligible persons have been excluded there from.
PREPARATION OF ELECTORAL ROLLS The Rolls are prepared Assembly Constituency-wise. Only one general electoral roll – No separate roll is prepared on the basis of caste, creed, religion, sex etc. The rolls are revised annually. The rolls revised with reference to a particular qualifying date. The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) is responsible authority for revision of rolls in the Constituency.
BASIC FORMS OF APPLICATION Form 6 (for addition) Form 6A (for addition of overseas electors) Form 7 (for objection / deletion of an entry) Form 8 (for correction of an entry) Form 8A (for transposition of an entry within the Constituency)
MAIN STAGES OF REVISION OF ROLLS Preparation of draft. Publication of draft Filing of claims and objections. Disposal of claims and objections Final publication of rolls. Continuous updation (between two revisions)
Electoral Roll in English
Electoral Units in India Administrative Units in India Parliamentary Constituency Assembly Constituency Parts (Polling Stations) Sections Administrative Units in India State Districts Tehsils / Sub Division Blocks Villages/ Towns/ Metros (Panchayats) (Municipalities)
Database Structure Earlier the Electoral Rolls in the Country were prepared manually. In 2002, the Electoral Rolls in India were computerized. Electoral Rolls are computerized i.e. maintained in a relational database organized into tables prescribed by ECI Database is stored in two set of tables: Control Table - Defines relationship between Electoral units such as Parliamentary constituencies, Assembly Constituencies, Parts, Sections and administrative units Elector Details’ Table – Provides details of the electors Database is updated during every revision process
DATABASE STRUCTURE During the draft publication, the Control Tables and e-details database is used to prepare the draft roll in pdf format. After draft publication, the claims and objections are disposed. The accepted claims and objections are entered in the database. Final publication is made after incorporating the changes on account of deletions (by showing a mark stating “DELETED” diagonally across the entry in the mother roll) and modifications (appending # mark against the entry in the mother roll) and a supplementary roll showing list of additions, deletions and modifications separately.
Supplementary Roll
Control Tables Details in Control tables are required: For printing details on the Part header For data integration of database of all electors in the State Prepare the Draft Rolls in PDF format Accepted claims and objections are entered in the system and then Final Roll is prepared by incorporating all deletions and modifications It is very important to prepare control tables with extreme care and diligence so that the Electoral Rolls are properly generated The Control tables are entered once and used multiple times for roll preparation. An error in control table can magnify multiple times, so utmost care has to be taken while preparing control tables. If the control tables are not filled timely and correctly then all the pains taken by EROs to ensure the enrollment of eligible persons would be wasted DEOs are responsible for collection of this data from the field. EROs supervises the data entry by data entry operators (Vendors) State Level Agency (SLA) provides the technical support
Part Header Page
Control Tables To ensure the correct updation of database it is vital to have close coordination between SLAs (technical guide), DEOs (collects data) and the Vendors (enter data) ECI identifies and lays down the structure of the control tables. Some major tables are shown in the next few slides
Control Tables Five tables which defines the relationship between districts, Assembly Constituencies and Parliamentary Constituencies. PC_LIST DISTLIST NO.SEATS List of States/UTs No of Parliamentary & Legislative Assembly Seats List of PCs 5 Tables AC_LIST List of ACs STUTLIST List of Revenue Districts
Control Tables Three tables which define the relationship between Districts, Assembly Constituencies and Parliamentary Constituencies which are: AC.DIST AC PC PC DIST Districts included in PC Districts included in AC PC with Parts lying in AC 3 Tables
Control Tables Four tables to provide details of Polling Stations, Parts and Sections. PS.AUXY SEC. DETAIL PS.LOCN Parts in ACs Polling Station Locations List & Details of Auxiliary Polling Stations 4 Tables AC. PARTS Sections within the area corresponding to Part
List of Development Blocks Control Tables Ten tables which lists administrative units and their relationship with each other TOWNS METROS 10Tables TEHSELS MTRODIST VILLAGES POST_OFF BLOCKS PANCHAYT POLICEST List of sub-divisions List of Tehsils SUBDIVS List of towns administered by Notified Area Councils List of towns administered by Municipal Corporation List of Districts in Part List of Villages List of Development Blocks List of Panchayats List of Police Station List of Post Offices
Control Tables Two tables which lists Talati/Patwari and Kanungo Circles Reserved Forests Codes List of Reserved Forests List of various codes used in Database 2 Tables
Elector Details’ Tables Contains information about individual electors i.e. 8 column information on electors shown in the Electoral Roll List of electors is contained in 3 types of e-detail table: List of general voters i.e. data of every voter in column 8 format Information of Service Voters Information on amendments as a result of continuous updation or revision SE DETL SUP_DETL E_DETAIL Details of General Electors Details of Service Electors Details of Amendments 3 Tables
Data Entry and Data Security List of amendments are entered into a database using a software provided by SLAs in CEO’s office during every revision Data is entered with utmost care ensuring error free entries as it will be published as Roll later EROs ensures that manuscripts of additions, deletions and corrections are entered timely and correctly BLO goes through checklists and certifies that correct data is entered in the database after the corrections made by ERO in the Roll Data entry work is undertaken in secured environment where safe and exclusive space can be provided Data and Equipments for data entry remains in the custody of DEO/ERO. ERO must adhere to the elaborative guidelines for data safety and security.
Data Safety and Security Proper police verification of all temporary and casual data entry operators proposed to be engaged by vendors. Proper security arrangement at Designated Photography Location (DPL) centers. Identity card to staff of DPL centers to be displayed permanently by staff member. Designated officer for all aspects of DPL functioning. He should open and lock the DPL and keep keys with him. He is accountable for DPL’s functioning. Logbooks to be maintained for opening and closing of DPLs countersigned by designated officer. Separate logbook for movement of equipments. Every movement should be accompanied by designated officer. Database kept only at State level in the custody of CEO Surprise visits to DPL Daily verifications of EPICs prepared during the day.
Data Safety and Security Proper account of holograms for EPIC. Responsibility of DLO. The records of Holograms must tally with EPICs issued, balance with officer for safe custody. Proper record of damaged and wasted holograms. Criminal action under law if accounts of holograms do not tally – against vendor/officer responsible. Agreement should mention clause that vendor has to return the database after work is over. Otherwise there can be penal provisions. Database should be properly sealed in cover while taking out of DEO’s office. Record of person taking out should be maintained. The DPL, room must be sealed after day’s work and keys should be with designated officer.
Data Entry and Data Security All forms received on paper must be computerized immediately and data uploaded on CEOs server Data entry can be done in off-line mode with batch upload Processing of data should start only after it is uploaded on the Server Full data base security at server level is essential Data is uploaded on a database separate from electoral data base. It may be called uploaded data base Data is shifted from uploaded to electoral database only after full enquiry and approval by ERO with digital signature authentication by ERO
REPORTS After every revision, to verify the integrity of the data and to ensure that it reflects the correct administrative and electoral position, 10 reports are prepared and verified against the actual position :- Summary Information on Administrative Units List of ACs and their corresponding Districts List of ACs and their corresponding Districts & Tehsils AC wise No. of Parts and Polling Station Locations AC and Part wise list of Polling Station AC wise number of Villages/ Towns/Forests/Metros 7a. AC and part wise list of Villages/ Towns/Forests/Metros 7b. Block and Panchayat wise villages 7c. District, Tehsil and Police Station wise Villages 7d. District and Tehsil wise Towns 8. AC and part wise number of Sections
Reports REPORTS Report on Statistical Analysis in format 1 to 8 analysing EP ratio, Sex Ratio, Age Cohorts etc Report on number of claims and objections received in form 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A and percentage of claims and objections accepted Report on deletions giving deletions based on Form 7 and suo-moto deletions separately Report on number of inclusions, deletions and net increase in number of Electors
Electoral Roll Management System (ERMS) It’s a window based application developed for using web services as a database retrieval technique. It covers the entire process of Electoral Roll preparation in the states from electoral roll revision, data management process, electors’ registration, correction and data modification to final publication of Electoral Roll and preparation of Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC). It also has some additional tools for providing citizen services i.e. search facility, voter slip and tracking current status of your application.
Key Features :- A secure and robust RDBMS SQL Server 2008 is used as a back end. All the modules of ERMS are audited by NICSI empanelled agency. Using centralized database for secured and better management for various purposes. Date and time stamping is used for each record while updating database. Auto toggle option is available to switch between various vernacular and English language.
Key Features :- Each and every application (Form 6/7/8/8A and 6A) received is digitized. Separate database is used to keep the data of Form 6, 7, 8, 8A and 6A. Only ERO/AEROs have write permission on the main electoral roll database and i.e. secured by ‘Digital Signatures’. Provision to print check lists for EROs/AEROs and BLOs at various levels. Facility to crop uploaded images if needed for better alignment.
Key Features :- EPIC printing is done as specified by the Commission that includes EPIC dimensions as well. Various MIS reports are incorporated as specified by the Commission. Photographs used in the software as a binary data. Date format used in the various modules is dd/mm/yy complaint. A facility to sort voter list using House No that may be customized State wise. EPIC is printed using data of main electoral roll.
Key Features :- Facility to track each and every application using unique key number. Online search facility is available to search on the basis of name and EPIC No i.e. provided District and AC wise in English and vernacular. EPIC based search facility to generate voter slip on mobile. A tool to rationalization of polling stations is provided. Managing auxiliary polling station is incorporated. Facility to fill up online Form 6, 7, 8 and 8A using Public Grievance Redressal (PGR) website (Citizen Services).
Door to door verification Architecture of ERMS State Level System Control Table Electoral Roll Managing Electoral Roll that includes insertion, deletion, updating and transposition within AC. And printing of Electoral Roll including one or multiple supplementary list. ERO Uploaded Bulk Export BLOs Door to door verification Local Machine Form 6 Form 7,8 & 8A = Database Electors
Component Description (Modules) Admin Module ( For managing users ) Intensive / Summary Revision Data Upload Application ERO / AERO Application Integration and Roll Printing Application Electors’ Photo Identity Card Preparation and Printing Application Searching Module (Web/Mobile based) Control Table Management Module
Summary Revision Data Upload An application used to Add, Delete and Update the Electoral Roll. This application is supported by 4 prescribed formats : - Form 6 - For inclusion of name in Electoral Roll Form 7 - For objection to inclusion of name in Electoral Roll Form 8 - Application for objection to particulars entered in Electoral Roll Form 8A - Application for transposition of entry in Electoral Roll. (Within AC) Form 6A – NRI Applications
ERO / AERO Application This application is for the Elector Registration Officer to approve revisions made through ‘Summary Revision Data Upload Application’. Roles of ERO Assign Enquiry Officer for each parts of the AC for each type of forms received i.e., Form6, Form7, Form8, Form8A. After BLO verification, this application is used for either approving / rejecting cases. Updating records in the main database of electoral roll.
Integration and Roll Printing This software is used for integration of electoral roll that means for merging Mother Roll and one or more supplementaries*. For the printing Electoral Roll ( Part wise ) with or without photos. Printing of Part Header Page with Control Table Units * Note : Supplementary List means new additions, modifications and updations in the roll.
EPIC Preparation and Printing ERO can create EPIC for Electors using this application. The main functionalities of this application are : - To cross check and verify the data available at the server for EPIC generation After verification of data the EPIC can be generated for each elector in a pdf format. Provision to make duplicate EPIC. To generate MIS report on distribution.
Reports Report on Statistical Analysis in Format 1 to 8 analyzing EP Ratio, Sex Ratio, Age Cohorts etc Report on number of claims and objections received in Form 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A and percentage of claims and objections accepted Report on deletions giving deletions based on Form 7 and suo-moto deletions separately Report on number of inclusions, deletions and net increase in number of Electors