NC 論2 (No.2) 1 Indirect (dynamic) Networks Communication between any two nodes has to be carried through some switches. Classified into: –Crossbar network.


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Presentation transcript:

NC 論2 (No.2) 1 Indirect (dynamic) Networks Communication between any two nodes has to be carried through some switches. Classified into: –Crossbar network –Multistage interconnection networks (MIN) Nonblocking networks Rearrangeable nonblocking networks Blocking networks –Single-stage interconnection networks

NC 論2 (No.2) 2 Crossbar (nonblocking, 1-hop) An N x M crossbar The cost increases as N x M. Switch point (crosspoint) M outputs N inputs N:1 multiplexer

NC 論2 (No.2) 3 A large crossbar

NC 論2 (No.2) 4 MINs Three-stage MIN first stagesecond stage third stage N inputs M outputs

NC 論2 (No.2) 5 Nonblocking MIN Any input port can be connected to any free output port without affecting the existing connections. Same functionality as a crossbar. The Clos network is proposed to reduce the cost of crossbar by decreasing the number of switches (1953).

NC 論2 (No.2) 6 History (telephone net.) Early telephone networks were built from elector-mechanical crossbars. Key developments in telephone switching include the Clos network in 1953 and the Benes network in Many large telephone switches today are still built from Clos or Clos-like networks.

NC 論2 (No.2) 7 3-stage Clos network (m,n,r) Nonblocking: m >= 2n-1 Rearrangeable: 2n-1 > m >= n N inputs N outputs 1 2 r 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 2 m 1 2 r 1 n 1 n 1 n n×mr×rm×n

NC 論2 (No.2) 8 Rearrangeable nonblocking MIN Any input port can be connected to any free output port with rearrangement of paths for the existing connections. Less stages or smaller switches than a nonblocking networks. The best known example is the Benes network.

NC 論2 (No.2) 9 Benes network An 8x8 Benes network (Eσ 3 -1 E σ 2 - 1 Eσ 2 Eσ 3 E) N(2log 2 N - 1) / 2 switches, 2log 2 N - 1 hops, E: stage σ 3 -1 σ 2 -1 σ2σ2 σ3σ3 (2,2,2) clos (2,4,2) Clos

NC 論2 (No.2) 10 2x2 switch (radix: 2) straightexchangelower broadcast upper broadcast

NC 論2 (No.2) 11 Permutation Permutations are traffic patterns in which all traffic from each source is directed to one destination. It can be compactly represented by a permutation function that maps source to destination. Bit (digit) permutation are those in which each bit (digit) of the destination address is a function of one bit (digit) of the source address. –d i = s j or d x = f(s x )

NC 論2 (No.2) 12 Permutation functions (1/2) Communication from node address x(a n,a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1 ) to Perfect shuffle: σ(x)=(a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1,a n ) k sub-shuffule: σ k (x)=(a n,a n-1,…, a k+1,a k-1, …, a 1,a k ) k supershuffule: σ k (x)=(a n-1,a n-2,…, a n-k+1, a n, a n-k, …, a 1 ) Inverse perfect shuffle: σ -1 (x)=(a 1, a n, a n-1,a n-2,…, a 2 ) k sub-inverse shuffule: σ k -1 (x)=(a n, …, a k+1, a 1,a k,…, a 2 ) Butterfly: β(x)=(a 1, a n-1,a n-2,…, a 2, a n ) k sub-butterfly: β k (x)=(a n,…, a k+1, a 1,a k-1, …, a 2,a k ) k superbutterfly: β k (x)=(a n-k+1, a n-1,…, a n-k+2, a n,a n-k, …, a 1 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 13 Permutation functions (2/2) Communication from node address x(a n,a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1 ) to Bit reversal: ρ(x)=(a 1,a 2,…, a n-1, a n ) k sub-bit reversal : ρ k (x)=(a n,a n-1,…, a k+1,a 1, a 2,…, a k-1,a k ) k super-bit reversal: ρ k (x)=(a n-k+1,a n-k+2,…, a n-1, a n, a n-k, …, a 1 ) shift: α(x)= | x+1| (2 n ), where modulo by 2 n k sub-shift: α k (x)= | x+1| (2 n ) +floor(x/2 k )2 k k super-shift: α k (x)= | x+ 2 n-k | (2 n ) Exchange: E i (x)=(a n,a n-1, …, ~a i,…, a 1 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 14 Perfect shuffle (1/2) Perfect shuffle σ(x)=(a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1,a n ) Inverse perfect shuffle σ -1 (x)=(a 1,a n a n-1,a n-2,…, a 2 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 15 Perfect shuffle (2/2) sub-inverse shuffule σ 3 -1 (x)=(a 1, a 3, a 2 ) 2 sub-inverse shuffle σ 2 -1 (x)=(a 3, a 1, a 2 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 16 Butterfly butterfly (bit reversal) β 3 (x)=(a 1, a 2, a 3 ) = ρ 3 (x) 2 sub-butterfly β 2 (x)=(a 3, a 1, a 2 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 17 shift shift α(x)= | x+1 | (2 3 ) 2 sub-shift α 2 (x)=| x+1 | (2 2 )+floor(x/ 2 2 ) 2 2

NC 論2 (No.2) 18 exchange E 3 (x) = (~a 3, a 2, a 1 ) E 2 (x) = (a 3, ~a 2, a 1 )

NC 論2 (No.2) 19 Blocking MIN A free input/output pair is not always possible because of conflicts with the existing connections. Minimizing the number of switches and stages. Unidirectional MIN (Cenju-3, IBM PR3) Bidirectional MIN (IBM SP, TMC CM5)

NC 論2 (No.2) 20 Unidirectional MINs Channels and switches are unidirectional. At least ceiling(log k N) stages are required for a MIN of N input and output ports with k×k switches. Every path through the MIN crosses all the stages (same length). Examples: baseline, butterfly, indirect cube logN stages for N inputs/outputs with 2x2 switches ( binary logN-fly in the form of k-ary n-fly) the number of communication patterns are (√N) N

NC 論2 (No.2) 21 Baseline networks (1/2) (B = Eσ n -1 Eσ n-1 -1 E ・・・ Eσ 2 - 1 E) (UUL) 010 (ULU) abccabcbacba σ2-1σ2-1 σ3-1σ3-

NC 論2 (No.2) 22 Baseline networks (2/2) To route (a n,a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1 ) to (b n,b n-1,b n-2,…, b 1 ), select upper link when bi=0, otherwise select lower link on (n-i+1) stage (MSB to LSB). (path is determined only by the destination address) switch upper link lower link inputs

NC 論2 (No.2) 23 Omega networks (1/2) Ω= (σE) n σσσ abc bcabca cabcab

NC 論2 (No.2) 24 Omega networks (2/2) To route (a n,a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1 ) to (b n,b n-1,b n-2,…, b 1 ), set the switch as straight when ai^bi=0, otherwise set it as exchange on (n-i+1) stage (MSB to LSB). straightexchange

NC 論2 (No.2) 25 Indirect binary n-cube (1/2) (C = Eβ 2 Eβ 3 ・・・ E β n Eσ - 1 ) σ -1 β3β3 β2β2 abcacbabc bcabca

NC 論2 (No.2) 26 Indirect binary n-cube (2/2) To route (a n,a n-1,a n-2,…, a 1 ) to (b n,b n-1,b n-2,…, b 1 ), set the switch as straight when ai^bi=0, otherwise set it as exchange on i-th stage (LSB to MSB). A k-ary n-fly network consists of k n source/destination terminals, n stages of k n-1 k×k crossbar switches. –Degree of the switches: 2k –Diameter: n+1 or log k N +1 where N = k n

NC 論2 (No.2) 27 Relation among blocking networks For omega, indirect n-cube and Banyan(Y): Ω -1 =C=Yσ So they are almost functionally equal (isomorphic). The communication patterns are different, but same number of combinations ( (√N) N ). Smaller number of communication patterns than nonblocking networks (N!).

NC 論2 (No.2) 28 Bitonic sort 8 inputs sorter4 inputs sorter2 inputs sorter A L B H

NC 論2 (No.2) 29 Batcher-banyan network Bitonic Sorter (Batcher stage) Ω (banyan stage) Non- blocking 5∞31∞・・∞5∞31∞・・∞ 135∞∞・・∞135∞∞・・∞ receiverOrdered addresses

NC 論2 (No.2) 30 Tree saturation (e.g. on Omega) Combining: combine two messages hotspot

NC 論2 (No.2) 31 Fault-tolerant MINs Blocking MINs provide a single path between any input/output pair. If a link becomes congested or fails, the unique path property can easily disrupt the communication (no path diversity). A solution is to provide multiple routing paths by adding extra stages or channels.

NC 論2 (No.2) 32 Fault-tolerant MINs (Omega’s case) σσσ Additional stage

NC 論2 (No.2) 33 Fault-tolerant MINs (Baseline’s case) σ2-1σ2-1 σ3-1σ3-1

NC 論2 (No.2) 34 Bidirectional MINs (BMINs) Channels and switches are bidirectional. Information can be transmitted simultaneously in opposite directions between neighboring switches. Paths are established in BMINs by crossing stages in forward, then turnaround, and finally backward. Several paths are possible in forward direction, but a single path is available in backward direction.

NC 論2 (No.2) 35 Bidirectional Banyan networks β3β3 β2β2 forward backward turnaround

NC 論2 (No.2) 36 A fat tree BMIN forward backward

NC 論2 (No.2) 37 Hybrid networks Combine mechanisms from shared-medium networks and direct or indirect networks. Increase bandwidth and reduce the distance between nodes. Examples: –Multiple backplane buses –Hierarchical buses –Cluster-based networks

NC 論2 (No.2) 38 Multiple backplane buses device bus

NC 論2 (No.2) 39 Hierarchical buses Global bus Cluster bus bridge

NC 論2 (No.2) 40 Cluster-based networks Cluster bus Cluster router

NC 論2 (No.2) 41 History (Clos networks, etc.) Clos introduced non-blocking networks in1953. Benes discovered rearrangeable non-blocking networks in Bachter introduced the bitonic sort and the Batcher sorting network in Knuth’s book in 1998 treats sorting networks in detail. Multicast in Clos networks was first considered by Masson and Jordan(1972), and has since been studied by many researchers.

NC 論2 (No.2) 42 History (indirect networks) Processor-memory networks emerged in the late 1960s in the form of indirect netwoks. The smallest machine employed crossbar, whereas larger sytems used butterfly, etc.. Since the early 1990s, a variant of the Clos and Benes networks of telephony has emerged in SMP (MPP) networks in the form of the fat tree. Today, the high pin bandwidth of router chips relative to message length motivates the use of networks of higher node degree, such as Clos and fat free.