Electing the President of the United States


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Presentation transcript:

Electing the President of the United States ELECTORAL COLLEGE Electing the President of the United States

Electoral College and the Constitution Article II, Section I, Clause II http://www.house.gov/house/Constitution/Constitution.html

Electoral Votes -When you vote for the President you are actually voting for an ELECTOR to vote for you -Each state has a determined number of electors Why do you think the Founding Fathers implemented this system?

There are a total of 538 electoral votes (the District of Columbia is not a state but is given 3 electoral votes) * 23rd Amendment *

A state’s number of electors is the total number of Senators and Representatives in the House OHIO 2 senators 16 representatives Total 18 electors

Electoral College Votes by State

48 out of the 50 states have a “winner takes all” method If you get the most votes in that state you get ALL of their electoral college votes

2 states are different and can divide up their votes based on congressional district - Nebraska and Maine

Discover how Nebraska and Maine are different from the other 48 states when it comes to the Electoral College

A candidate must have 270 electoral votes to win the Presidential election

If no single candidate gets the required 270 electoral votes then the House of Representatives votes to decide the President.

It is possible to get more votes overall in the election from the entire country and NOT be elected President WHAT? HOW?

Total Votes in 2000 Election: Bush 50,461,092 total votes (47.9%) 271 Electoral Votes Gore 50,994,086 total votes (48.4%) 266 Electoral Votes Nader 2,882,728 total votes (2.7%) 0 Electoral College Votes

2000 Presidential Election http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/national.php?year=2000

Presidential Election Results http://www.270towin.com/

Develop an analogy to the Electoral College using Baseball’s World Series.

Electing the President Response How do you think the President of the United States should be elected? 1. Do you think the Electoral College system should be kept? Why? What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages of the system? 2. Do you think a new system should be introduced? Explain how you think the president should be elected! Why don’t you think the current system should be kept?