The Formation of Prussia 5.25
Sweden Strong leadership and innovative military strategies Rises under Gustavus Adolphus – Invades HRE during Thirty Years War – Controlled Baltic territory – Brilliant military commander Falls under Charles XII – Defends against Denmark, Poland, Russia – Defeated by Russia, loses territory
The Growth of Brandenburg- Prussia Centered on Berlin Hohenzollern family rules Receive scattered territory due to inheritance Connecting the territories becomes the goal
Fredrick William the Great Elector Establishes a militaristic culture Uses military to achieve political/diplomatic ends Expands Prussian territory
The Prussian Military State Militarism becomes the characteristic of the country: duty, obedience, service, discipline Small country, great army Support of the army drove governmental policy – Taxes – Simple lifestyles of rulers (resources go to military, not fancy palaces) – Imported talented people from the west – The Junkers (landed aristocracy) became officers, usually in exchange for greater control over the peasants
Frederick William I Example of Prussian characteristics – Spartan lifestyle – Increased social status of the military – Strict economic policy = large “war chest”
Frederick II (The Great) Expands holdings in the War of Austrian Succession by invading Silesia – Increases population, industry and army – One of the “Enlightened Despots”