JoannaPhilip (son of Maximilian HRE) Charles VIsabella of Portugal Philip II Ferdinand I Maximilian II Rudolf II Spanish Hapsburgs Mathius Anna Ferdinand II
Origins Peace of Augsburg 1555 –Chose between Catholic and Protestant but there is still conflict –Calvinism spread throughout empire 2 of 3 electors for HRE are Calvinist Hapsburg Ferdinand II crowned king of Bohemia in 1617 –Supporter of the Catholic cause
The Bohemian Period ( ) Ferdinand II elected King of Bohemia –Fear he will curtail religious freedom for Protestants –Defenestration of Prague results Ferdinand II is deposed –Frederick V (Calvinist and elector of Palatine) put on Bohemian throne Catholics win at Battle of White Mountain in 1620 –Czechs defeated; half the land of nobles given to Catholics
The Danish Period ( ) Christian IV Lutheran ruler of Denmark takes up Protestant cause against Emperor Ferdinand II Ferdinand and Albrecht Wallenstein defeat Christian Edict of Restitution (1629) –Restored to Catholics all lands lost since 1552 –Deprived all Protestants, except Lutherans, of their religious and political rights.
Catholic victories alarm Emperor’s victories alarm French Bourbons concerned with growing Protestants German princes Hapsburg power
The Swedish Period ( ) King Gustavus Adolphus Sweden defends Protestants with French aid Battle of Lutzen Gustavus is killed Ferdinand orders Wallenstein killed Treaty of Prague ends this phase –Strengthened Hapsburgs and weakened power of German princes
The French-Swedish Period ( ) The most destructive German towns destroyed Agriculture collapses famine results 8 million dead 1/3 of the population Causes massive inflation
Loss of life in 30 Years War
The French-Swedish Period ( ) Richelieu (chief minister to Louis XIII) wants to weaken Hapsburg power and take Alsace from HRE. Also fighting against Hapsburg king in Spain (Philip IV) Fighting goes back and forth Ferdinand II is succeeded by Ferdinand III in 1637 Series of defeats for Hapsburgs and prolonged fighting lead to peace settlement
Peace of Westphalia
The Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Religion –Peace of Augsburg extended to Calvinists –Catholics lose claim to confiscated lands Land lost and gained – Sweden and France gain territory –Switzerland gains independence from HRE –Dutch receive independence from Spain German states strengthened –Can make treaties –Empire must get approval from states before taxes or war