Electoral College
Qualifications of President Natural born citizen 35 years-old Resident of US for 14 years
Running for President $$$ at least $100,000,000 Beliefs: Moderate Characteristics ▫W▫White ▫M▫Married ▫P▫Protestant ▫S▫Successful
Electoral College Each state selects electors ▫At party conventions Popular vote ▫Winner takes all ▫Utah – 6 electors (Senators + Representatives) ▫If R’s win popular vote in Utah, they get all 6 electoral votes Electors meet Mon. following 2 nd Wed. in Dec.
Electoral Trends
Popular vs Electoral Vote Candidate may win popular vote and lose electoral vote. (2000)
Tie House of Representatives decides ▫Each state gets one vote ▫If state delegation doesn’t agree, lose vote ▫26 votes to win (1800) Aaron BurrThomas Jefferson
No one has Majority House of Representatives selects John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson – Corrupt Bargain
Why Electoral College? Advantage to smaller states PopulationElectoral votes Residents per elector Weight of vote California33,871, , North Carolina8,049, , Alaska626, , United States281,421, , Utah2,246, ,
Options Electoral votes according to Congressional Districts Electoral votes according to percentage of popular vote Direct election – no electoral college dyn/content/video/2009/01/20/VI html?sid=ST