REVIEW What does the Elector College decide? What is a Popular Vote? How does the Popular Vote effect the Electoral College? Who will be the US president The simple majority – 50.1% Each state’s popular vote decides which party will get ALL of the Electors
REVIEW How do we decide how many people we (in the US) will have in the House of Representatives? How does that differ from the Electoral College? Based on each state’s population Electoral College is formed with the House of Representatives plus the House of Senate (2 Senators from each state)
Imagine that you are moving into the neighborhood shown below. Which backyard would you choose? Why? Now imagine what it would be like without fences
SUPRANATIONAL COOPERATION In a way, Supranational Cooperation tears down countries fences – With that come advantages and disadvantages SUPRANATIONAL COOPERATION – when a country gives up some of it control to work together for shared goals – Example – NATO, EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, UN
United Nations U.N. Formed 1945 (after WWII) 192 Member Countries Goals: – Work together globally to promote freedom, peace, relations and welfare Headquarters in New York City U.N. MAP
EUROPEAN UNION (EU) Economic organization that allows travel and trade to member countries without taxation or border hassles The main goal is to increase Europe’s interdependence – Assisting one another 27 European member countries Have their own currency – Euro – U.S. GDP is16.24 trillion – E.U. GDP was trillion
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Formed after WWII Defense and peace keeping in the Atlantic Ocean region 28 member countries Head Quarters in Brussels, Belgium
NAFTA – NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT Only countries of North American can be members of NAFTA – Canada, Mexico, and US Opens trade without tariffs (taxes) Pro NAFTA – strengthen the continent and make the US stronger by making our neighbors stronger Anti NAFTA – cause U.S. jobs to go to Mexico and hurt the US economy
Political Cartoon Exercise One a blank sheet of paper you will create a political cartoon either the European Union or the North American Free Trade Agreement Your cartoon will either be for or against the organization Neatness count (not the same as artistic ability) Title – Either European Union or North American Free Trade Agreement depending on which you choose The cartoon can either be a single political picture or a cartoon strip The whole thing must be colored