The Age of…
France In the Age of Absolutism
Henry IV (r ) – Bourbon King of France, –Huguenot converted to Catholicism Edict of Nantes - France’s Tax System (3 Estates) - Parisian Exception - Duke of Sully -
Louis XIII (r ) Cardinal Richelieu – ruled as his chief minister Goal – Huguenot Policies – Indendents - Shift in Power -
The 30 Years War Protestant Uprising in the Holy Roman Empire Richelieu’s view on the war Effects – –Treaty of Westphalia 1648
Fronde Rebellion – suspicious of France’s nobility The building of Versailles Ruled by the Divine Right of Kings Louis XIV (r )
Domestic & Economic Policies No decisions w/out Louis’s approval Jean Baptiste Colbert – financial minister –Colbert’s policies Wars -
Louis XIV’s Wars Strongest, most powerful military in Europe Extend France’s natural borders Balance of power
Russia Today
Former Soviet Region Compared in Latitude & Area with the United States
Topography of Russia
Rich Soil of the Steppes Chernozen Soil
Siberia “Permafrost” Average temperatures of January vary from 0 to -50°C, and in July from 1 to 25°C Average temperatures of January vary from 0 to -50°C, and in July from 1 to 25°C 150,000,000 population. A former “gulag” Soviet prison camp.
Themes in Russian History Expansion by conquest. Need for warm-water ports. The necessity of a strong, central government.
Michael Romanov (r ) Romanov Family Crest Romanov Dynasty ( )
The Pendulum of Russian History Pro-West For Progress & Change Encourage New Ideas, Technologies, etc. Anti-West Isolationist Xenophobic Ultra-Conservative Most Tsars Russian Orthodox Church Supported by the Military, Boyars (nobility) & peasants A few Tsars Intellectual elites Merchants/ businessmen Young members of the middle class. REFORM-MINDED LEADERS DEMAGOGUES
Peter the Great (r ) Main Goal was to Westernize Russia
Foreign Policy Goal: To end Russia land locked situation Acquire the Sea of Azov Land was controlled by the Ottoman Turks Needed help from Europe & a stronger Russia Traveled through Europe (secretly) Attempted to negotiate an alliance – failed Learned much about the western culture
Russia & Sweden After the Great Northern War Improved Army training & weaponry using western techniques and strategies War with Sweden 1721 gained land on the Gulf of Finland
Westernization Moved capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg Social Development Women Beards Encouraged manufacturing and foreign trade Modernized the army & reformed the government.
The Nobility Under Peter the Great Nobility & Orthodox Church came under Peter’s control. Highly centralized government “Service Nobility” – Absolute power & the Church
Catherine the Great ( ) Came to power after the murder of Peter III (her husband)
Catherine the Great ( ) As an Enlightened Ruler: Supported the arts, sciences, literature & theater Encouraged foreign investment in underdeveloped areas Est. the Free Economic Society Wanted to end serfdom but instead expanded it (1773) Relaxed censorship & encouraged education for the nobility & middle class
Catherine the Great ( ) On Foreign Policy & Expansion: Expanded Russian land by 200,000 sq miles Led 2 successful wars against the Ottoman Empire, annexing Crimea 3 Polish Land grabs 1767 – New Constitution
Central Europe in the Age of Absolutism
Map of Europe 1648
Austrian Hapsburgs Lost territory after the 30 years war Pragmatic Sanction –1740 Charles VI dies & leaves Marie Theresa in control Non-unified Empire includes… –Conflicts?
Brandenburg-Prussia “Austria’s Biggest Little Rivals” Hohenzollern family seized power during Reformation. Frederick William “The Elector” (r ) –Rebuilt H.R.E. –Unified his army –Improvements
Prussian Successors Frederick William I (r ) Economic conservative Replaced mandatory military service with a tax, Doubled the army ( most efficient etc.) Encouraged trade & industry Primary school Frederick I (r ) King of Prussia, consolidation & imitated Louis XIV
Frederick the Great (r ) Goal: to expand Prussian Territory (Silesia) –War of Austria Succession –Diplomatic Revolution (reversal of alliances) Prussian Successors
Seven Years War (aka The French & Indian War) Alliances created war 1757 Prussia defeated Austria 1759 Prussia defeated by combined forces Political breakdown Effects of war