Russia, Prussia and Austria
Russia Seen as backward, no warm water ports, little trade, undeveloped resources 1613: Boyars (nobles) elect Michael Romanov as Tsar. Streltsy (Moscow garrison) have some control as well.
Peter the Great ( ) Streltsy install Peter as Tsar Power struggle between, Sophia, streltsy and Peter. Four goals = 1) tame boyars and streltsy, 2)control of church, 3)reorganize gov., 4)develop the economy
Westernization Impressed by the West so enforces new customs 1697 Visited Western Europe in disguise to inspect shipyards, docks and military “factories”, and to seek help vs. Turks 1703 Relocates capital at St. Petersburg
Controlling Opposition 1698 streltsy rebel; 1,200 put to death In 1722 published the Table of Ranks that says privilege and social position are now from from rank in army and bureaucracy Clergy opposed westernization; 1721 replaced patriarch with a synod, no monks under 50
Domestic Administration Created “colleges” that dealt with foreign affairs, war and economy 1711 creates a nine-member senate to rule while he was away Needed a bureaucracy to collect taxes for military spending
War Fought the Ottoman Empire Fought Sweden in the Great Northern War ( ); Peace of Nystad grants control of Estonia, Livonia and Finland and warm-water ports. ____________________________________ 1725 dies with no heir. Chaos ensues.
Habsburg Empire After 1648 Habsburgs still have title of H.R.E. Needed control of other territories 1714 gain control of Spanish Netherlands after War of Spanish Succession
Obstacles to Power ethnic and religious diversity of Empire legal diversity of claims established central councils but regional
The Habsburg Empire
Significant Rulers Leopold I ( ): resists Turks and Louis XIV in Nine Years’ War, extends territory on the Balkans Pragmatic Sanction = legal doc. That allows hereditary succession of H.R.E. Maria Theresa ( ) left without a strong army or treasury, has to elevate Hungary b/c War of Austrian Succession
Prussia Hohenzollern family ruled Brandenburg, East Prussia and other territories (2 nd only to Habsburgs) Frederick William aka the Great Elector ( ) broke the medieval parliaments, organized royal bureaucracy, and built a strong army Gave Junkers control over their serfs, tax collecting power, and military prestige
Monarchy Established Frederick I ( ) receives crown from H.R.E. Leopold I for help in War of Spanish Succession. Frederick William I ( ) militarized the bureaucracy and expanded the military, made the officer corps the highest social class Frederick II ( ) invades Austria and consolidates Germany
The War of the Austrian Succession: ( ) Prussia seizes the Austrian province of Silesia with France supporting Prussia. Britain comes to Austria’s aid to keep Belgium Austrian Prussia becomes head of a powerful German state Ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle The Seven Years War: ( ) Prussia invades Saxony. France, Austria, Sweden, Russia and other German states oppose while Britain aids. Britain takes over France’s colonies in Canada and Prussia becomes a great continental power.