Working Jointly to Tackle e-Crime Paul Wright Hi-Tech Crime Team City of London Police
Introduction Aim Define the Problem Security Principles Where to look for a Solution Dual Track Approach What can we collectively Do? Future Strategies
Aim Increase reporting of Hi-tech and e-Crime Growth of a secure Digital Environment Interact in the pursuit of Common Objectives Exchange of Digital Intelligence
Loss of Data Growth in Criminal Data Markets Report IT abuse and Data Leakage Advances in Technology Policies Procedures and Guidelines
Hi-Tech, Cyber and E-Crime Boundaries Corpus Juris Data Leakage and Compromise Data Markets Foundation Stones Partnerships
‘Catch Me If You Can”
Security Principles Primary Objectives Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability Risk and Exposure Assessment e-Crime Prevention Computer Forensics Digital Intelligence
Alfonso Capone “The Secret Six has licked the rackets,. They’ve licked me. They’ve made it so there’s no money in the game.”
Adopting a Dual-Track Approach Begin with consultation Risk and Exposure assessment process Jointly decide Intelligence or Investigation Understand the issues
What Can We Do? Scope the Problem Raise awareness of the Problem Define what constitutes e-crime Make hi-tech and e-crime Visible Increase the resources Available Address internal Issues
Future Strategies Recognise the Threat e-Crime Prevention Strategy Security of Data and Systems Pro-Active Approach First Strategic Step
Working Together Paul Wright Hi-Tech Crime Team City of London Police +44 (0)